by Patricia Cota-Robles
Vlog 54
The awesome success of the various activities of Light Awakening Humanity Cocreated with the Company of Heaven in 2024, has accelerated our Ascension process in wondrous ways that we will experience throughout 2025.
One of the most life-changing things that occurred in 2024 is that Mother Earth was able to reclaim her rightful place in our Solar System. This is something that she has been striving to accomplish since her fall from Grace aeons ago.
This seeming miracle occurred when ALL of the Solar Logos from the Suns beyond Suns in Earth’s lineage were, at long last, Breathed into the full embrace of our Grand Central Sun. The Solar Logos from that System of Worlds are known through all Creation as Sanat and Luz.
The other Solar Logos from the Suns in Mother Earth’s lineage consist of Helios and Vesta from our Physical Sun, Alpha and Omega from our Central Sun, Elohae and Eloha from our Great Central Sun and El and Ela from our Great, Great Central Sun.
Since Mother Earth and all of the Suns in Earth’s lineage were Breathed into the full embrace of our Grand Central Sun, ALL Life evolving on Earth has been daily and hourly Ascending into new Solar and Cosmic Coordinates. With every Breath we take, Earth’s adjusted position in the Universe is allowing all Life on this Planet to receive higher and higher Solar Light Codes through the Portals of the Suns in Earth’s Lineage and our Grand Central Sun.
This vibrational shift Created the sacred space that enabled all Life on Earth to safely experience the most intensified 40-Day purging process that Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth had ever been able to safely withstand.
According to our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven, the most Life-changing aspect of this 40-Day purging process is that literally centuries worth of Humanity’s human miscreations were Transmuted back into Light by the Violet Flame of Cosmic Forgiveness. This Transfigured the extremely dense and discordant psychic astral realm of Illusion surrounding the Planet into a much more rarified veil that is now considered almost gossamer.
This purification has allowed the Solar Light Codes and the positive aspects from all of the Astrological and Celestial events that will take place in 2025 to bless Mother Earth and ALL her Life much more effectively than ever before.
If you are familiar with Astrology you know that there are very healing and positive aspects, as well as very challenging and uncomfortable aspects, associated with every Celestial movement of the Heavenly Bodies in our Zodiac. These shifts of vibration affect all of us whether we are aware of them or not. Previously all Astrological alignments have had both positive and negative influences in our lives, but since the purging of the dense psychic astral realms everything has changed.
In the past, due to the dense psychic astral veil of illusion the negative aspects reached us much more tangibly than the higher frequency positive aspects. Now, however, the healing and positive aspects can easily pass through the gossamer veil and bless us in Infinite ways.
We do not have to know anything about Astrology to fully comprehend the assistance the Celestial alignments will bless all of Humanity with in 2025. All we need to realize is that now that the psychic astral realm of illusion has been greatly purified of the negative aspects, that are challenging or uncomfortable for each of us, have been greatly diminished and will no longer be able to have the adverse effects that we have experienced in the past.
Now, the positive effects of every Celestial event will be greatly enhanced. We will all be able to transcend the negativity which will greatly empower the Gifts of Light our Father-Mother God and the Heavenly Realms will Bless us with not only in 2025, but from now on.
In perfect synchronicity, the number of Celestial events we will be blessed with in 2025 is extremely rare. These events will empower each of us in our newly accelerated Ascension process. Know that the reason these Astrological alignments will be much more powerful than ever before is because of the newly rarified gossamer veil now encircling the Planet.
Celestial Alignments for 2025
This is a brief list of the alignments that we will experience in 2025. Every man, woman and child on Earth will benefit from these Celestial opportunities in NEW and far more powerful ways than ever before.
Pluto moved into zero degrees of Aquarius in November 2024 during our 40-Day purging process. This began the rare gathering of Celestial Alignments we will be blessed with in 2025.
These are the Planets that will be moving into new Zodiac Signs in 2025. Remember, zero degrees Births all kinds of New Beginnings. The number of Planets moving into zero degrees in 2025 is extremely rare.
Neptune will be moving into zero degrees of Aries for the first time since the mid 1800’s.
Saturn will be moving into zero degrees of Aries for the first time since the mid 1990’s.
Jupiter will be moving into zero degrees of Cancer for the first time since 2013.
Uranus will be moving into zero degrees of Gemini for the first time since the 1940’s.
There will also be powerful Retrogrades involving Mars, Venus and Mercury.
The important Planets moving into Cardinal Signs are Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter.
Nodal Changes involve Aries and Libra moving out of the Node position they have been in since 2023 and Virgo and Pisces taking over that Node position until 2027.
Then, of course, we have the usual annual alignments which include Equinoxes, Solstices, Solar and Lunar Eclipses, New Moons and Full Moons.
In every one of these Celestial opportunities the challenging and uncomfortable aspects that have previously been so painful and difficult for us, will no longer affect us in the adverse ways they were able to in the past.
Light is infinitely more powerful than darkness. Since the dense psychic astral veil of illusion, which the Company of Heaven often described as “almost tar-like”, has been purified and Transfigured into what they now refer to as a “transparent, gossamer veil”, everything has changed.
The positive and Light-filled aspects of every Celestial opportunity are now far more available to us and will influence our Earthly experiences far more tangibly than ever before. So, please pay attention and focus on what your Divine Intentions are for the future. Then you will Cocreate in collaboration with our Father-Mother God and all of the Beings of Light in the Heavenly Realms what you want to manifest on the New Earth. This is not only your purpose and reason for Being, it is your Divine Destiny.
Dear One, in our Weekly Vlogs in 2025, the Company of Heaven will guide us through these events step by step. Please listen to your own Intuitive Guidance every day. 2025 will be a powerful year for Unique Awakening and Manifesting.
God Bless you Precious Hearts, I look forward to being with next week.