by Nicky Hamid
A Promise Fulfilled: Seeing with Fresh Eyes ….(with much thanks to the “Littlest Faerie” who visits and sits on my shoulder).
As I walked around our garden, with my little companion sitting on my right shoulder, she giggled infectiously with delight.
She showed me the patterns in everything and how the fractal basis reflects in everything whether having an apparent symmetrical or asymmetrical form. How everything is constructed from simple repeated and unique arrangements.
I saw behind these forms to the brilliant lights that are essence of their manifestation, and everything became alive and lit up like crystals.
Trees, bushes, stones and earth became alive with shimmering Light like a brilliant tiny Christmas light wonderland.
Everything I looked at had a radiant sparkle of patterned life.
And she giggled at each new arrangement I became aware of as I looked into/beyond. I saw a leaf fall from a tree and heard it sigh, a sigh of contentment as it floated to the ground. Its radiance faded as it lay there on the earth. The pattern was still there and all its particles were still alive and lit up like millions of light points but the bright radiance had left and merged into the Field beyond.
And the tiny microbes in the earth immediately responded to this change and began to move in to collect the now separated atoms of the leaf.
A dance of transforming life into its light and into new forms.
This is the world any of you could see every day if you wanted to.
It takes only Imagination and the willingness, at first, to Pretend (Just like a child).
This is what you and I walk in ever since we incarnated. It has always been here but we had forgotten to look after we were told and believed the “illusion” that Imagination is not Real.
This is the magical quantum world of the consciousness dance of life. This Lucid Dream of the photonic dance is now available to all as one of the ‘threads’ of our multidimensionality.
It just needs your imagination and ‘belief’ (Knowing). To look with gratitude and with the eyes of your Love.
Things come and go but the consciousness and the light, and the life and the dance continues in the Field of your Lovingness. Only appearances change and they change dramatically and miraculously if You will look with eyes afresh into 3D ( behind/within the denser field) .
The new energies streaming through Earth and us all are as much about seeing things differently as they are about things changing. Is there a difference?
If we have been through darkness it can only appear differently if we start to see it afresh. And isn’t it true that you have been spending the last few years at least, casting off the dramas of the past in order to be free. Free to look within the new light and radiance. Everything is hidden in plain view.
You have the eyes now to see, so look with an attitude of Loving Kindness to Yourself and to your world. Every time you do you activate that Loving kindness into the earth grid and it is growing and expanding into and from the very core of Creation.
Conflict between people will always be nasty until we see the differences between people as beauty and uniqueness. Nature will always be frightening (natural “disasters) until we can see Her processes as about cyclical change in perfect alignment in a Divine Cosmic Flow of Unity.
Perhaps when we die we are like the leaf and when it is our time to leave this realm we give that same sigh of contentment. Contentment that we have done what we came here to do and now it is time to move on. On to an even brighter, clearer, and more radiant consciousness experience.
My companion giggled with the delight of free spirit for she knows nothing else but to see things as they are and experience them, not just “as if” she is seeing them for the first time, but because she IS seeing them as a ‘first time’ and it is spectacular.
Because that is what we are beginning to do in this new reality (the lucid dream of 4D and beyond).
No time but now, no mind that has to classify, and catalogue, and “understand” everything. The Innocent perception of a child seeing new. There is so much to see.
So the next time you hear yourself say “Been there, done that”, stop and remember this littlest faerie who says “How is that possible? Unless you have seen it from the view of SOURCE …. Everlasting Freshness.
WE both So Love You
PS : Dedicated to my little faerie and all the exquisite elementals who have loved us enough to come back into our dream.
“To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour.” -William Blake “
Thankyou beloved ones. We know you are welcoming us back.”
PPS: You may think this Nicky Fellow is a Dreamer, in this current Human world of chaos and transformation of our daily affairs. But I say that you have to be standing in the world of Shadows Rising and consciously and deliberately turn to see the LIGHT of the New Fresh World simultaneously.
Then you will always have a Choice in which direction you wish to walk