by Shekina Rose
“Many of you, the starseeds and the blue rays, are connected to the ascended masters, galactic beings, and star systems that are part of your awakening through your evolving ascension journey. Depending upon the rays of Creation, star systems and spirit realms you came through, will determine when these way showers and ascended master teachers will arrive in your life. They are destined for you to be reunited in your field of consciousness for the greater expansion of who you are.
The star beings and lightworkers innately know the importance of raising their vibrational frequency. The Soul intuitively and knowingly guides you to awaken your body vehicle which is a star gate to the higher and interdimensional realms.
When the crown chakra is awakened, it can bring this illumination and realignment to the expanded Universe.
Your ascension journey is an awakening messenger to the Universe that opens energetic highways to the higher realms that lifts the veils of illusion.
It is your true nature to commune with the other realms, with telepathy, telekinesis, psychokinesis, having full access to your cellular memory and God DNA abilities.
Planetary ascension is awakening your DNA for your expanded understanding of the multidimensional and interdimensional self and realms and the connection to the planets and the solar system. It is giving you a greater capacity of awareness to tap into an untold history of humanity, the Cosmos, the Starseeds and ETs, beyond what you have been taught in your systems and constructs on this planet.
As you continue on the progression of raising your frequency, so does your galactic and cosmic awareness. These awakenings and intuitive insights are brought to your attention by your Soul’s ascension to be Universal Consciousness Creators of Unity. 444
These awakenings are occurring to thousands upon thousands of light workers, blue rays and starseeds, in different ways, all over the world; you are seeing the visibility of the grander relationships and bigger picture of you and the interconnections of your ancient galactic history, and that you, light bearer, blue ray starseed have made the difference, even if the rest of the world has yet no idea.
The universe sees you. Home is calling you to know your place in the cosmos, and that you are part of the Universal Galactic Community of Light.
Your ascension through the gateway of the Ascended Masters can show you your galactic heritage of the expanding unity field that has always been a part of humanity and who you are. 11:11
There was a time on Gaia when there was a greater harmonic resonance field within the Source of Light that extended to the other planets, through the Central Sun and human template.
In this harmonic resonance field was a collective unity consciousness that you could experience with the earth, trees, rocks, animals, devas, nature kingdoms, other realms, planets, stars, sun and Cosmos.
As you can see from ancient architecture, the sacred sites were designed with this alignment to the stars, planets and within the harmonic resonances energy field of Gaia. Your bodily energy fields were more attuned with the harmonic resonances of Creation in alignment to Source, and many of you have ancient memories of such, as in the times of Lemuria, golden periods of Atlantis, ancient Egypt, and with indigenous cultures. 11:11
Because you are from these planes of light, and that is your true resonance field, residence on Earth can feel like separation and a longing for home. The actual longing is for those missing harmonic frequencies and is your Soul driving force intuitively guiding you to find and make those reconnections in your life and with Gaia.
For many, this has been the purpose playing out in your life, relationships and locations on the planet.
The starseed light workers, more than others on the planet, have an inherent Soul purpose to be of service in Love, Light and Truth for the ascension and evolution of the New Earth.
Although everyone on the planet has a Soul purpose in serving the greater whole, you, starseed, blue ray, have always had a sense you are not from here, have a longing for home, but you have a job to do and it’s not in normal 3D life as it involves awakening and service to the Light. And you may have a career, marriage and children though your focus will be on raising your personal consciousness and frequency to awaken your higher self to your spiritual gifts and cosmic lineage, what you came here to do.
As a star being, you came in with a specific encoding that is activated from the particular origins of the planets, Creation rays and interdimensional planes, and Soul groups you are from and came through. This has created your unique resonances that align you with your purpose and path of connections, awakenings and places you live and visit on the planet. You are also very much activated by an agreement in the unity field of Souls that determines your path and purpose collectively as a star being ambassador, liaison of higher fields of dimensions and Galactic councils.
You are collectively assisting one another to reach a higher resonance field on the planet. Know that you have created a vibrational frequency shift on Gaia. Through your unified collective consciousness, there is a grander Light Source resonance on the planet! 333