by Ascension LightWorkers
High-frequency energies from higher realms are flowing into our planet, assisting in the restoration and renewal of Gaia. As a result all structures of the new paradigm on Earth are being reassessed, recalculated, and realigned to harmonise with this new energetic shift. Planet Earth is going through a major realignment in energies to prepare for higher Planetary Ascension.
The recent collective awakenings and activations have been increasingly intense, Ascending souls are intricately connected to the natural occurrences of Gaia, as she transforms, so do the ascending collective. They consciously ascend together, collective higher selves have merged their energies, recognising the deeper connection and planetary purpose shared beyond physical encounters.
On an ascending collective level, where ego has no place, the ascending collective are fully aware of each other and honour their collective purpose with great significance truly understanding the power of the Collective Light and recognising the necessity of embodying the new Earth energy to genuinely serve and fulfill this transformational collective purpose.
In this new Gaia energy the planet has now entered the age of Aquarius, symbolising freedom and truth. Aquarius supports liberation from control and enslavement. Hence in 2025 Ascending souls are working with higher energies made up of truth, clarity, awareness, mastery authenticity, and higher conscious awakening.
The universal energetic and systematic Earth code demands living in accordance with what is true rather than clinging to illusions and falsehoods. Those ascending will have a strong and innate desire to live in a truthful human existence , because of this they experience multiple transformative opportunities in ascending , redirecting them onto the right path. Higher self will always remain loyal to the original incarnated plan and purpose .
As highly charged sentient beings the collective ascending may often feel exhausted due to the various roles embodied and played. Ascending souls are the lightkeepers and peacemakers, able to see all perspectives from higher levels , Ascending souls serve as metaphysical therapists, holding light for the planet and creating energetic space for others.
In the new Earth energy, inner integrity becomes a powerful shield of protection. When living in truth, honour, authenticity and honesty, finding true strength and resilience necessary for self’s ascension journey. Authenticity and alignment with inner integrity is key in navigating this new earth era.
Our planet is currently undergoing a profound metamorphosis and significant planetary shifts are on the horizon. On January 1, 2025 highly charged cosmic doors will fully open, allowing for massive surges of high-frequency gamma wave energies from the Great Central Sun to enter Into our recalibrating solar system.
The Ascending can expect remarkable upgrades over the coming days and weeks, including enhanced telepathic abilities and a strengthened immune system, as the Angelic Human Template is being birthed and activated within .
Take notice of the things resurfacing in life at this time. Emotions may be intense as these higher frequencies bring forth old wounds for deeper healing. Many are experiencing the ending of old cycles including breaking away from dysfunctional families , friendships, relationships, careers, job roles that no longer resonate with the higher vibrations in self.
There is a powerful cosmic energy that is now working with the Ascending . From now into the New Year many will be removing and dissolving old emotions that have been stuck and stagnated within the physical body, heart, and mind/throat. Muscle aches and pains, hot sweats/chills, nausea, feeling extra emotional, releasing old emotions, being triggered in new situations to release and let go of old emotions, headaches/migraines, low grade temperatures, vivid dreams, brain. fog, sore throat, heart flutters, and feeling exhausted, drained,and like you’re being slowed down these are all side effects / ascension symptoms .
This is aligning the emotional/intuitive body and the mental body ( masculine and feminine energies within). Relationships coming largely into play where internal traumatic bonding styles are being revealed so that the ascending can connect to the true nature of relationships and approach them in a totally new way.
As ascending takes place in the physical self activations in multiple strands of DNA activate , this allows for the letting go of what no longer serves highest good , The unhealed aspects of ego may resist this change temporarily but the higher heart will always intuitively know, The ascending self is moving towards new realities aligned with heightened self conscious awareness.
Starseeds are energetic beings undergoing internal and external “upgrades.” As the changes occur within, they manifest in the external experiences. There is no need for fear when leaving behind the old dysfunctional game of duality. The dismantling of the old earth paradigm continues accelerating at a rapid pace throughout 2025.
In the universal numerical year 9 of 2025 the focus is fully on completions , wrapping up the last decade of lessons , highlighting truth in life , innately creating internal balance, alignment in conscious creations completion of past karmic cycles , no longer attracting the lessons .
This new year will bring in a completely different earth energy and exploration everything in a universal 9 year will be surfacing to be reassessed in higher light and consciousness. 9 energies will bring an end to many internal and external Illusions, deceit, and lies within individuals and global structures , 2025 will leave its mark on this world. It will continue to crumble and collapse false structures, revealing the true nature of its embodiment.
Accountability becomes a central theme in the year 2025 as individuals and collectives are held responsible for past actions. The consequences of choices in life will be highlighted , whether positive or negative, All in life is reaped based on the deeds sown in the past. Numerical year 9 embodies the essence of humanitarianism emphasising the need for global alignment and balancing of earth energies.
These are the times ascending souls have been eagerly anticipating. They have undergone extensive training across countless lifetimes to prepare for this major collective transformation. Ascending starseeds have consciously chosen to incarnate on this planet to anchor these higher frequencies within their physical bodies with the main purpose of participating in the unfoldment of this planetary ascension.
This task Ascending souls have undertaken is of utmost importance on this planet . It requires time , dedication, soul work , devotion authenticity , sovereignty, commitment, and unwavering belief in the power of Creator Source , Love and Light .
Through embodying and radiating these higher frequencies we contribute to the collective awakening and the evolution of humanity as a whole.
Embracing this profound responsibility with love and gratitude, knowing that ascending self is an integral part of this magnificent global process.
In loving and devoted ascension service