How many years have gone by, when approaching the end of it and facing a fresh opportunity for better days…how many times have we innocently felt hope for the future?
That would be every year for as long as I can remember. But this year…this year is different (she says with a faraway look in her eyes). How many of us had any clue just how false a reality we were living in even one year ago? These past twelve months have been the most eye-opening to disturbing truth pretty much ever.
Clearly, more revelations are coming.
Look, though…gaze for a moment into the collective mirror to observe the effect of information on the population of the world. Yes, of course…we all know that we’ve been living in a spy novel and that very little is actually what it seems to be, and further, that everything we’ve been told (and are being told) is literally up for questioning. A sizable portion of the human collective has been tenderized well enough to understand how little we really know about this planet and our existence here.
I’ve long wondered why channeled messages didn’t give us the whole story, or at least more of it, before now. Have we not been ready yet to learn just how grim a situation we were in? As they say, time grows short, and people need to wake up, already.
Information is both Light and Power, and the advent of Q drops* in October of 2017 brought a slow and steady drip of it out to interested Patriots, who then became known only as Anons, recognized for decoding the drops and helping the rest of us ride along on the Magic Schoolbus. It seems a given that our off-world support team was and is intimately involved in that mission. Pretty bold and brilliant plan, I must say.
Where are we now?
President Trump is publicly back in power (although he never left), and the world changed literally overnight when the deep state failed to rig 2024 as they’ve done for probably every election all over the world for however long. He’s been assembling a deep-state-obliterating cabinet and transition team based on actual knowledge gained from experience, which he did not have the first time around.
Things really are different this year, and in no small part because we now have a population of folks who have awareness at a level that denies team dark their power to instill fear. Not only are they being starved of cash flow (and humans), but of the sustaining energy of our collective anxiety.
Do you remember an original Star Trek episode called Wolf in the Fold? A negative murdering entity took over the Enterprise, and it was feeding off of people’s fear. The thing that brought the ship back into the proper hands was the ship-wide distribution of a significant tranquilizer.
Maybe we need something like that…
If the video doesn’t play, just search YouTube “Cute scene from Wolf in the Fold.”
Speculation is that team dark is on the ropes, and entirely unwilling to throw in the towel. It’s understandable to not want to give up on such a prize as we are, especially with all that’s been invested in wrangling us into a manageable commodity. Too bad, though. They lose. The thing is, however, that they might have enough juice to pull off some nastiness still. I favor the story where the White Hats are always a step or three ahead, and able to mitigate or completely counter any remaining team dark moves.
Let’s go with that.
We get to help the whole situation by keeping our thoughts on the good, true and beautiful…on the things that we want for ourselves and for the entire human collective. The rest of it right now is just exactly the way that we each see it. I’m not kidding…that came into my awareness just recently: our experience is a direct reflection of the way we think about things, and that magic is getting stronger by the day.
If I go through the world with the intention of blessing all those that we come in contact with and near…guess what? Everybody is nice to me! What’s not to like about that? Honestly, that kind of pursuit is far more interesting to me than looking at all the ways team dark is trying to wrangle humanity into a negative timeline. They can’t do it, anyway, and they’re big mad now.
Our personal and unique White Hat counter-move is to keep our power for ourselves, not entertain thoughts of fear and destruction, and in fact, we can even (if we want) intend to bless the bejeebers right out of the perpetrators of evil, wherever they are.
Can we do that? Is it possible to conjure up an image of someone we know has been exceptionally naughty and just pray for them to get right with Source in whatever way is possible for them? That’s a tall order for some of them, and for some of us, and I’m not sure that any amount of supplication on their behalf would alter their course.
We may not be able to generate sincere compassion for every dark and potentially unwitting minion, but it’s probably best to leave the accountability part to people who are in that business. There’s no need to add to our own karmic load by wishing harm to anyone. Plus, there’s always the idea that we might have been born into one of those families, ourselves, on other turns around the wheel.
So, as Dickens’ Tiny Tim said, “God bless us, every one!”
Happy New Year, beloved family of Golden Age readers… Whatever is before us, we do have one another, and our respective teams are all on high alert, it seems. Ooh! Think of that…each one of us has an entire crew and posse working with us. That’s a whole lot of positive influence all together, eh?
It’s truly been an honor to serve our Earthly collective through the long-standing Golden Age of Gaia blog, and I so look forward to when we can all travel freely, meet up, and gather up as we wish.
You know what’s coming…