by Digger Barr
Heading into a change of seasons is always an adjustment.
This year I have decided to try something new. I have decided to listen to my own advice.
This advice came to me in a dream I described in my last article, “Caution, Curves ahead”.
That advice is to slow down.
Along with the change of season we have the holidays upon us.
This contributes to frenetic behaviors.
With the added turmoil of 6 planets in retrograde, we have Pluto in Aquarius fanning the fire on the results from the US election.
In the mix are World leaders acting and reacting to geopolitical and war game situations.
The world has once again stood on its head.
It doesn’t help when the podcast jockeys are scrambling to keep ahead during a time that knows no time.
Everything is happening now and moving so quickly, that ten minutes ago is old news.
Or what happened years ago becomes brand new information.
The internet has invaded our brains.
It is time to step back and take a seriously deep breath.
Along with all of the above, another thing that I am observing is a loss of perspective.
We all see the chasm between liberals and conservatives.
That is nothing new.
Since co-vid these elements have been highlighted in bright neon lights.
And with more ammunition than ever, which is probably something that has been said across the span of history.
This time the psyops have been powerful.
It’s the psyops that are contributing to the frantic feeling among people right now.
Bottom line is people on both sides do not know what is going on and it is a mind-bleep situation.
It does not help when well-intentioned podcasters present scenarios that may or may not exist just to explore as possibilities.
One such program recently explored mind altering scenarios in such a way that the show itself became a psyop situation.
It may have been an adult way of examining things but the audience it caters to was already in a vulnerable state and the timing of presenting this may have caused more harm than good.
Exploring hypothetical possibilities may not be a bad thing to do but it might be irresponsible to do it at this time.
What is a psyop?
It is a term coined by conspiracy theorists to describe military programs for manipulation of the mind through different forms of communication, like radio and tv.
I don’t think it has to be a military action. I think any party that is trying to manipulate the minds of others is running a psychological operation.
Basically any sharing of information that introduces a new way of thinking is psychological in nature and if intended to sway a target, it is an operation.
It picks up a negative connotation because it is presumed the information is false.
People’s minds are already stretched tight.
Some minds are snapping like rubber bands in overload.
Stress load failure.
We need to ground. We need to grasp smaller bits of information in small chunks at a time.
We need to sit back and quit listening to everything out there and listen to our inner voices.
Creating more chaos by exploring ‘what if’s’ and treating this as news doesn’t help.
It is a ploy trying to generate viewership for a self-serving purpose.
We can spend all day looking at what if’s. This doesn’t make them true.
We can however look back and see what has played out already that did turn out to be true.
There are extremely powerful factions of the universe at play.
This has happened across the span of time, but this time it is exposing the evil that has been deeply embedded into societies across this planet.
The separation between parties outlines this exposure as some people can see it while others cannot and vehemently deny its existence.
We all know this and this is old news.
But because we are moving so fast and furious I think we are already forgetting some very important details.
I want to bring these out so we can keep them in mind as we move through this next adjustment.
These are some things we have taken a hard look at:
Did we know all those children had gone missing? Yes and no, not everyone knew this.
Did we know why? NO
Do we know now? Yes
Are we doing something about it? Yes
Are we doing enough? Maybe, I don’t know. Do you?
We are now much more aware of how satanic worship saturated our world.
Now that we are aware, we can see it everywhere.
We have begun scrubbing it from our walls. Kicking it out of our homes and cleansing our energy fields.
We see who is involved and they are being exposed.
We can see how it affected our entire existence.
We are moving towards awareness and in time will complete all the changes necessary to rid us of this demon.
All of this takes time to wrap our human heads around.
Our real history has been hidden from us.
New discoveries of old discoveries are enlightening and changing how we see things.
It’s a whole new world when re-examining the old narrative and finding where it doesn’t match up.
Egypt remains a mystery because ‘they’ hide information in every way possible.
Our origins are not what we thought.
We have been lied to.
All of this has caused instability in our world.
There are many more things to point out but You get the idea of where I am going with this.
A wake up call has been sent.
‘Truth’ had been manipulated and we believed what we were told.
We didn’t know.
Finally, we are asking hard questions.
We didn’t do this alone.
With the help of some very courageous souls we have been brought to the start of a Great Awakening.
We are still in it. We will be in it for a while.
We still have loads of work that needs to be done.
There is much to be revealed, much to unravel.
As we proceed, let us remember to never go back to sleep at the wheel.
We all have a wheel. We all have choice.
We all need to make some good choices.
Don’t give your power away.
You are powerful.
Be responsible with that power. It is on you.
It is on me to be responsible for me.
We all need help now and then and that is okay too.
I do not believe that the ones that have brought us to this point did so just to trick us.
We were already tricked. Whistleblowers have exposed the tricksters.
Now that we can see the slight of hand at work and we are learning how to call it out, we will.
That is the action of being Sovereign.
And when it all gets to be too much, take a break.
Hit the slow down button and go do something fun and amazing.
Get out of your head, drop into your heart.
The Solstice is coming. Christmas is coming.
Let’s all celebrate the planet and our movements within the galaxy.
Or take time to just be.
Be En-joy!