Universal Mother Mary, in a personal reading, April 25th, 2015, talked about lifting people up off the streets:
The rich man walking down the street who has made his money, can we say in curious ways, some honest, some dishonest, walking down the street, meeting the beggar — and it was the same when I walked the Earth — and they give the beggar $20 to stop bothering them or because he feels that he better do it.
That is not a gift. That is trying to buy and very cheaply.
Now the person that walks down the street, and gives a dollar out of compassion and empathy, and the recognition that different circumstances you would be on the street, that is a gift.
The rich person who lifts the beggar off and says let me take you home, let me find you a home, let me get you into rehab, let me clothe you, let me feed you out of compassion — that is the gift.
So, there are many non-profits that are supported by wealthy institutions, companies, individuals who are simply giving for a tax break, for a sense of I can say, “I give” and that I am a generous soul and that it will assuage my guilt.
So, do not err, dear heart, in thinking that if the money is coming through a non-profit that it is pure or that it is coming from a profit that it is impure.
It is the intentionality behind it.
Archangel Gabrielle, in the blessing and virtue of joy (1), said this:
Let me say the joy is not only outrageous but courageous and let us use the example of a small tribe, of what many would think of as primitive, and perhaps is one of the most advanced civilizations on your planet.
I speak about the courage, because when one of them loses their joy or missteps, there is the acknowledgement that not only does it affect the individual, but the collective of the tribe is also immediately affected.
So the tribe, the community comes together to heal that individual and to help restore that sense of balance, of rightness, of joy.
So often, in your community—and I am speaking of the western world in the broadest sense of the word—you will hear people say, “Well, I don’t see that person any more because it’s always a downer” or “I don’t do that any more because it just brings me down.”
Now, I have spoken to you about the quality of free choice, decision, in what you choose to bring you daily joy, but it is courageous to also have your joy, and to say to the person that is not in joy, “Hey, what’s going on? Let’s restore this.”
Not to assume their burden or reality, and of course this is related to all the blessings and virtues.
It is related to compassion, to Love and truth, but so often you simply take a left turn and try to avoid, because this will not bring joy, rather than seeing it through, and also saying, “We’d better fix this because it’s going to affect all of our joy.”
In the documentary below, filmmaker, Michael Leoni, heads to the streets of LA to shine a light on the epidemic of homeless youth in America.
Once inside their world, he realizes he can no longer be an observer.
Everyday is a matter of life or death and he’ll do anything to get them off the streets.
This film is not allowed to run ads because YouTube considers it ‘advertiser unfriendly’ and it cannot be copied to websites.
Click on the title below to watch:
American Street Kid
Premiered January 1, 2023
1:34:52, Nick, in the documentary:
It goes back to the past and it goes back to you not feeling worthy and you’re not feeling lovable and all those kind of things.
I think what I need to do is just accept the fact that I am not so closely tied to the bad circumstances in my life, that they don’t have to be the first thing I think of every morning.
I think what it takes for me to change is literally waking up every day and telling myself, regardless of what happens, you’re gonna choose to react positively.
1:41:05, Michael, the director:
We can change this world and it starts now.
There are 1.8 million kids living on the streets of America and 13 of them will die today and another 13 tomorrow.
These aren’t just numbers, these are kids with names.
Follow the film on IG @AmericanStreetKid
and find more info/resources on their website,
Please Violet Flame
the kids in the streets with me.
As we flame them . . .
the higher realms
help us open to creative solutions
like Michael in this film . . .
(1) “Heavenly Blessings: The Blessing and Virtue of Joy with Archangel Gabrielle,” March 12, 2013, https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/03/12/heavenly-blessings-the-blessing-and-virtue-of-joy-with-archangel-gabrielle/