TUT * Notes from the Universe December 2024 Newsletter
As I’ve shared with several audiences of late, pretty much every single day during lunch… I cry. A lot. Ain’t pretty. But it feels so good.
That’s when I indulge in about 15 minutes of TikTok, the social media app.
It feeds me short videos of cute babies hysterically laughing, pets behaving “badly,” and, worst of all, various and sundry random acts of generosity that befall unexpected strangers. Tears of joy blur my vision before running down my cheeks.
At first, I was naïve, wondering why everyone doesn’t speak of these videos and the emotional nerves they hit, until I realized: “It’s the algorithm!”
Talk about metaphors! The algorithms used on social media platforms simply notice what you “like” and watch—where you place most of your attention—and they feed you more of the same!
Just like the algorithm of life, eh?!
So… what are your algorithms showing you lately?
HAPPY HOLIDAYS (and Happy Fine Tuning!)