When social divisions run as deep as they’re doing right now, I find myself forced back onto myself.
The same situation arises when I go, or anyone else I imagine goes, up a social or vocational ladder. The higher I go, the more I’m thrown back on myself.
And if the situation in question is a personal one, no big deal. Our idiosyncrasies, our weirdness is our business.
But in the social or vocational realm, as the society becomes more and more divided along more and more lines, the necessity to come from one’s self, whatever that self is, whatever stage of evolution it’s really at, increases.
As the pressure rises we become more and more likely to reveal previously-hidden sides of ourself.
That’s why in horror movies, when the villain is pushed too far, it reveals itself as a hideous monster. “OK, buddy, you asked for it.” (ROAR!) (1)
And so do we sometimes in our own lives. Especially at times like this.
When we do, in my opinion, we’re not revealing “our true self” or “our true colors.” We may reveal our stage of spiritual evolution. We (a deeper self) are still a prisoner of our unexamined and uncontrolled impulses and habits. We’re leading the unexamined life which Socrates said was not worth living.
But we will learn. As immortal beings wearing a physical body for a while, but going on without it, we have an infinity in which to learn.
The point is that at those moments all that we learned goes out the window and we’re faced with the need to make a stark decision: Do we … never mind what somebody else said … do we choose good or do we choose evil?
I’ve called this moment “a change of vote” if we move from one to the other. (2) If not, it probably shows up as immense validation of our previous choice, whatever it was. “See? I told you so.” “I was right on.” (High five.)
Yes, I can give you an example. I changed my vote from being a troll under the bridge to being lovingly kind. And I’ve realized immense benefits in my life since then.
Given that we always make ourselves right, those who choose evil will go on to make that choice right and do with it what they do.
Those who choose good have it easier because “good” is not something that carries as many negative consequences so it has less of a hold or grip on us. The results of a good action come and go, with little or no residue. But the consequences of an evil act keep ricochoeting back at us until we get the divine message.
What message? Well, here we are again, eh? Back with “the message.” Life has a message. But I’d better allow you a pause and continue below.
(1) I think we call these “unresolved issues.” I’ve called them vasanas. See Vasanas: Preparing For Ascension by Clearing Old Issues at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Vasanas-Preparing-for-Ascension-R16.pdf
(2) See The Importance of Changing Our Vote at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Importance-of-Changing-Our-Vote.pdf