⚡️SEND IT SUNDAY⚡️Insider reveals on When EBS Hits, Brunson Case, Death blow to MSM For Good & More
Brad Wozny hosts a “media insider” to explore some of the topics that seem to be closest to our hearts at the moment. We’re looking to the EBS to complete the worldly wake-up call about how things have been run, and of course, we’re all wanting to know that Brunson v most-of-congress has already been decided, and big surprise! Trust in the mainstream media is at an all-time low. It can’t be low enough.
By way of background…
“Scotty Saks hosts Sovereign Radio each Saturday morning on NewsTalk 1290. Scotty isn’t afraid to analyze controversial topics surrounding the media, U.S. and global economics, finance and business.
Visit the show online at SovereignRadio.net and follow Scotty Saks on Twitter @scottysaks.”
~ newstalk1290.com