This is the moment we’ve been waiting for, why we’re even here now. We stand as the stable and steady spaceholders for the Earth Collective, while the stuff we’ve been learning about over the past 7 years comes rapidly into view for all to see.
Even if we never encounter one of those most likely to flip out humans, just maintaining our own personal bubble of peace will stabilize the entire planetary population, and we’re up for it!
Isn’t it fascinating how our lives just keep requiring our attention at the same time as the Bigger Picture things unfold? Our focus is split in that regard as well as within the duality of the massive geo-political shifting going on, and the global and cross-cultural spiritual awakening.
It’s more intense than a three-ring circus right now, and there’s seismic movement across several levels of what we thought of as our reality here. What catches our attention the most out of all of it as we navigate through? Actually, it’s really too much to cover all at once. In fact, I find myself floating further and further away from the garbage patch of world news.
What I’ve noticed as I drift away is a calmness and serenity about the current unfolding in my own self that doesn’t need proof of anything. I’ve been taking in a great deal of information over the past seven years that I never truly wished to know, and certainly never wanted to be true. Paying attention is a two-edged sword.
I’ve noticed, also, that when one becomes aware of the evil that certain minions of the dark have been up to, especially regarding children and even babies…that knowledge brings one to seek out a higher power, if that relationship had been lacking…something good and true to anchor to when faced with the knowledge of actual and pure evil.
We aren’t really prepared for that, I don’t think, as a collective. I have one friend who’s so freaked out by the world already, and so completely taken up with TDS…I actually think that learning about these things would cause a psychic break. It seems the “woke” are the most fragile among our human collective.
It’s not actually all that different from Neo in The Matrix working to save people who mostly just want him dead, those of us holding space for people who probably ridiculed and abandoned us, or Trump going full out to get as many people on board legitimately to understand what’s at stake, all while living his life as a target for the deep state.
It’s looking like we really are all Angels.