October 29, 2024
The starry vault of heaven is in truth the open book of cosmic projection. ~ Carl Jung
I don’t know exactly what’s going to happen with this upcoming election, but I do know that something will change. There will be a US presidential election next week. It’s not a wishful prediction by an overenthusiastic truther.
It’s taken me awhile to come to the obvious realization that a Big Visible Thing is finally going to occur…and even if something derails it, that constitutes a Big Visible In-the-Mainstream-News Thing, itself. Nobody will be able to label it a conspiracy theory, or ignore it.
I fully expect my ultra-liberal dinosaur neighbor to be grievously disappointed after November 5; however, if Trump “doesn’t win,” I believe the only possible reason would be massive cheating, a.k.a. treasonous election rigging, as happened in 2020.
The cheating won’t be allowed to stand, this time around, so if Trump “loses,” the massive gears of White Hat (military?) machinery should lumber into motion, capturing miscreants and ensuring election integrity.
Assuming the Democratic arm of the Deep State will lose the election, they’re likely to throw as many spanners in the works as possible. As SG Anon recently noted, if Trump wins, Congress will likely overturn it.
The turmoil of the last several years is about to overflow, and (in my opinion) it’s in the stars that President Trump returns to power and the final dismantling of the anti-human matrix control system begins.
By all accounts, the Deep State is not going gently into that good night, and we can expect everything we can imagine (and many things we cannot) to burst into being over the tumultuous weeks between now and the January inauguration.
There is a giddiness in the air right now, possibly in part from astrological influences. Or for all I know, the Deep State might be training energetic disrupters upon humanity along with weather warfare weapons.
Conversely, other-dimensional members of the Alliance, or the Angelic kingdom, or God himself, might be pouring the hopefulness of Light over our weary but unbowed heads.
I was encouraged by what the astrology showed in Meg’s recent reading on the election. She stressed that the energies are tumultuous and extremely unpredictable: certain planetary alignments, certain transits, the astrological charts of the USA and the presidential candidates, mingle in a roiling cauldron of star signs and planetary immutabilities.
I agree with Meg’s reminder to lightworkers that our thoughts and our energies matter greatly, particularly right now. That being the case, I’ll set a few minutes aside every day for the next week to ponder the fast-approaching, glorious future I believe is in store for our planet. Humanity’s great awakening is the engine building the New Earth.
I’m glad to be along for the ride.
Meg Moonbeam on Beyond Mystic, USA Election Astro Projections, 10/25/24: https://tinyurl.com/23brbmh4