by Juduth Kusel
This is the moment of intense purification.
What is coming up is Atlantis, after the fall of the Golden Age, when the rulers started to manipulate weather which ultimately led to Great Floods as well as atomic lasers.
It was then that the high priesthood and those who stayed true to the law of one, and then started to create communities of light, in places where they often went underground, knowing what would happen, or on high mountain ranges, or where they knew they would be safe.
The east coast of America, holds currently so many Atlantean souls who incarnated, mainly to finally lay the ghosts of Atlantis to rest, and heal the collective trauma, to transcend it, as the New Earth has risen, and thus the New Age.
The only way is now the open heart and the bringing of communities of light together, who will work together as one, to create with love, unity the New Golden Age, as the old collapses and disintegrates more and more.
Although this has ripple effect on all of us, and this is worldwide, these specific souls, all agreed to heal and transcend whatever has been before.
With love and unity.
And the more we add our love and light with pure intent, the more the new is created not through the old structures which exists, but new communities of like-minded souls.
Judith Kusel