by Digger Barr
Two months until the USA elections. How’s everyone doing?
There is change in the air everywhere.
It happens this time of year when the kids head back to school. People’s schedules adjust and the traffic patterns follow.
The air itself carries the shift as you can almost perceive the sound of summer ending.
This year there is something else.
I do a self check in and find that I am ready for something new.
I literally am craving a physical change in my everyday living.
Like a desire to go on a trip or get a new puppy.
It’s a feeling like it’s time to change the furniture around or paint the walls a different color.
Maybe I need to move.
It’s tugging at the inside of my skin and pushing the edges of my frontal lobe.
I haven’t had a dog for a couple of years now. Why am I feeling it’s time to get another one?
Why would I give up freedom from that responsibility?
It makes me waffle. Wishy washy. Get a dog.
No, I am for sure not getting a dog.
Then why did I call about that new litter 2 hrs away?
That alone would be a commitment as I would have to spend a whole day driving just to take a look.
There is no way I could look and not drive away without a dog in my lap.
So, don’t go. Good grief, waffles again.
I look into my heart and beg, Please help my mind.
Writing about it some people would say, it’s a sure sign.
But I think it’s a sign of an even bigger change that is on its way.
Something is in the air that is not about ending but about beginnings.
I don’t just hear it. I can feel it.
We all know that after November 5th we will have some answers.
And the delayed implementation of those answers will be inaugurated in January.
Full reprogramming may take years. Does 2050 sound familiar?
Patience is part of the program.
Tell that to my body that works as a radio receiver, as an empathic magnetometer and a cosmic tool of intuition.
In other words, my witchy Spidey senses are on fire and are not wrong.
There is a palatable adjustment happening.
It’s more than the Geo-political shakeup.
There is something else.
I fell against the wall the other day and just stayed there feeling woozy.
I was light headed and the feeling went into the core of my being.
What was that? I thought. I remained calm and let it play through.
Taking note I said, “Huh, that was weird”. My keen scientific analysis.
I have checked in with several of my friends. They are all reporting similar incidents.
There is comfort in knowing others are experiencing the same thing.
Weird loves company.
Solar flares and incoming energetic waves of frequency are flooding our planet.
it isn’t subtle anymore. It has our attention.
Those of us that know are also aware it has been happening for a while now.
We have felt the physical ascension symptoms in a variety of ways.
Many of us have difficulty sleeping and dream time is off the charts.
There is an increase in intuition and deja vu’s and other 6th sense activity.
We are in the process of physical adjustment.
Although this has been true for some of us for many years now, this is different.
It is heightened in intensity and it feels like walking through a body of water.
The water is above our heads and we just keep on keeping on throughout our day.
Hopefully, we have all learned to take time during the day to ground, center and accept the transformation.
There has been enough information shared and practices taught on how to prepare ourselves for this upgrade.
We can not deny it is well underway. We are well on our way.
Knowing does not always make it easy. It does help.
I cannot imagine getting all floaty and not realize what was happening.
I suppose there are some who are not aware and are medicating heavily.
That’s where faith and patience come into play.
When one is feeling weird, have faith that that is exactly how you are supposed to be.
Don’t worry. All of us weirdo’s are right there with you. And it’s perfectly normal.
Looking to astrology for clues proves to be helpful.
Apparently everything I was feeling is exactly right.
New moon in Virgo is preparing to turn us inside out.
Pluto retrograde in Capricorn coupled with a Uranus transit indicates deep but rapid change.
Nothing weird here folks, move along.
We don’t actually know what our potential is.
Reportedly it is greater than we can imagine.
Try doing things the same as we have always done and we may actually limit ourselves.
I want to be okay with not knowing exactly what is going to happen.
I want to be open, flexible and lead with intuition. Lead with my heart.
At the same time, taking care of myself is my primary responsibility.
This is where a new puppy comes in.
It is comforting.
Who can resist the calming joy of a bouncy wiggling puppy hug?
Centering, grounding and transformative all in one happy bundle.
The thought alone makes me smile.
This is good medicine
This process of bringing in the new may be extremely uncomfortable.
But that is not weird.
As it turns out Weird is not really that weird at all.
It’s exactly as it’s supposed to be.