Youtube Notes
(The SG Anon interview they reference can be found here.)
The Angry Citizen: “I am honored to host an amazing group of guests in a no holds barred panel discussion regarding our corrupt shadow government and the Constitutional Republic that our founding fathers envisioned, which has been subverted by evil individuals.
I am joined by retired US Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Sandy Miarecki Ph.D., for a compelling talk about the Reinhabited Republic for the United States of America.
We are joined by two formidable Constitutional advocates/patriots. These are Clyde Cleveland, patriot and author of “Common Sense Revisited” and “Restoring the Heart of America”, and Ananda Coniff of Americans in Action.
The corrupt corporation known as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is being revealed and punished. We the People are making it happen.
We the People have been affronted and harmed by our corrupt government. We the People have lawful avenues and remedies available, and We the People must unite to pursue them.
All corrupt public servants can and WILL be held accountable for their crimes. It will require We the People to UNITE under the banner of our Constitution and our Republic.
The Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land, and all Laws that are repugnant to it are null and void.
Our government is a government BY THE PEOPLE and FOR THE PEOPLE and the wealthy elites that have occupied the seats in our nation’s capital have mostly FAILED at their appointed duties.
I stand as a living, breathing Son of God, a patriot, and a Constitutional American. I act lawfully and seek lawful solutions and remedies. I demand accountability and transparency. I seek Truth because the Truth is the Sword of God.
Join us and comment/ask questions.
LAWFUL SOLUTIONS are available.”