This video is from July 12th, and I missed it because I had no idea who this lady is, and there are way too many videos to watch. My brother sent me a heads up about the Republic for the United States of America featuring this lady last week, though, and when SG referred to this information as jaw dropping, he really was not kidding.
I knew a great deal of what was presented already, mostly because of the work of Derek Johnson and some others…all the way up to when Sandy started talking about that our Constitutional Republic had already been restored. They’re now just gathering citizens interested in participating in that glorious pursuit. I signed up, and in my state there are many interim legislative positions available.
Not that I want to grow up and be a legislator, but I surely will put my hat in the ring to get enough people on board to support the true government. I really don’t know how this all works in with what we’re witnessing in the current geo-political scene, but I’m all for getting the clean-up show on the road.
The website to explore is down below the video.
Click the image above to watch…
“In Anon Audio Chat 63, SG sits down w/ retired US Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Sandy Miarecki Ph.D., for a jaw dropping talk about the Reinhabited Republic for the United States of America.”