The Masters are very specific about wording as these messages are encoded with energies that the reader receives. The specific words used, the punctuation, and even the spaces between the words all carry encoding and energies…. what Archangel Michael called “the space between the spaces.” (1)
7/27/24 Information received from Beloved Melchizedek
Greetings Beloved Ones
Planet earth is moving quickly to a higher vibration
The collective consciousness of mankind has spoken in unison
It is time
In the higher vibration the dark ones will find it difficult to exist in the Light
It has been a long and hard journey for mankind
You have exceeded all our expectations
We honor you and shower you with love and gratitude
Continue your work with dedication focus love and compassion
The Unseen Forces of light never leave your side
7/28/24 Information received from Beloved Quan Yin
Greetings Beloved Ones
The shift of planet earth is gaining momentum each day
Be ever vigilant of thought word and desire
You are close to manifesting your desires almost immediately
Allow your thoughts to dwell on the love of the Creator
Allow the magic to begin
Rejoice the Jubilee is at hand
We walk beside you every step of the way
7/29/24 Information received from Beloved Sananda
Greetings Beloved Ones
The dark has played havoc on this planet for far too long
In the next few days events will happen to make it difficult for the dark to continue
This has been in planning for eons of time
Allow your Higher Light to be integrated at the highest level possible into your magnificent vessels
This is how you raise the consciousness of mankind
The Grand Finale has arrived
The Unseen Forces of light walk beside you
(1) Archangel Michael: We occupy often the space between the spaces. We come from Source. … Yes, it is bigger than you think. (“Archangel Michael on the Angelic Kingdom,” June 13, 2014, at