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I wanted to share an inspiring story that came from helping someone move through a debilitating fear. By someone, I mean our two-month-old French bulldog, Penny.
Still too small to jump onto our couch, we enjoy lifting her up to be with us. Once on the couch, she began developing a curiosity about our living room floor, where many of her toys and stuffed animals were. We watched as she scooted to the edge of the couch cushion, whining and whimpering from the fear of falling off. After some brief rehearsals of carrying her down slowly to help her learn about the space between the couch and the floor, Penny still remained frozen in fear, afraid she wouldn’t be able to make the leap.
Just the other day, as she stood on the edge of the couch cushion, afraid and unsure, I placed my hand gently on her back, the same position as when we pick her up. I said, “Okay Penny. Time to jump.” As I moved my hand slowly, as if I were going to carry her, she took her first leap off the couch and landed perfectly. After a few more experiences, it was just a matter of placing our hand on her back to give her the confidence to leap. After just 48 hours, Penny was launching off the couch with casual precision, now fully convinced of her leaping puppy power.
Perhaps like Penny, there are times in our lives when we doubt the abilities and capacities already alive within us.
While a pep talk can be helpful, perhaps the greatest form of encouragement is knowing that we aren’t doing it alone.
Just like Penny, who only needed to feel our subtle touch of support, the Divine always offers a soft touch of grace throughout our lives to help us tap into the greater forces within us whenever it’s time to launch.
Even when we don’t sense the hand of Source moving us from one moment to the next, it’s only because the subtlety of Universal support is helping us remember all that we have the power to affect through the will of our choice.
All the while, just like Penny leaping boldly, believing Mom and Dad were helping her launch, there is no limit to the power we can express when we are aware of the Divine power that encourages us to push past limits and redefine how capable we truly are.
Maybe there is someone in your life who dauntingly sits at the edge of their life’s couch, only needing a gentle hand of support to know they are not alone and have all that is required to take a bold leap forward.
Even if that person lives within your body, perhaps today is the day when your own loving support can give you the greater courage you need to move forward in a brand-new way.
From our hearts to yours, we send you blessings of love and healing frequencies of light to help you remember—you are ready to take the leap. You’ve got this.
All for Love,