by Judith Kusel
It is so important now, to let go of the past, and all it ever contained, especially in emotional charges.
You cannot take those emotional charges with you, into the 5th dimensional state and the New Earth. It is impossible.
You need to shed that old body, the old you forever.
It simply does not matter anymore, what you believe someone has done to you, nor not done.
What matters the most, is that you truly and finally forgive yourself, and all others, in whatever form this may have been, or have taken, and let go of all shame, blame and guilt, self and others. For in so doing you not only set your own soul free, but you set them free as well.
When I do my readings I so often get asked, why did this happen to me? So many have not made closure, even with those who long since left their physical form, and do not exist on earth anymore. Some still cling onto the belief that they cannot be whole and complete without a man or woman in their lives.
All of these are emotional charges and so often false belief systems, which keep you trapped in the Old Earth.
The greatest of all insights come, when you finally understand, that no one else can make you happy, nor complete you, except you, yourself. It means taking full responsibility for you own life and well being, especially emotional.
It means facing that deepest shadow and fully lovingly embracing it, as much as you lovingly embrace your own light.
Only when you do so, can you truly embrace another soul, just the way they are, and not the way you project your own ideas onto of how they should be, should have acted like, etc.
Every soul you ever encountered was but a mirror to you, mirroring your own reflection back to you, and all you have never loved, nor owned, within yourself.
Until you heal, you will always attract exactly those souls as mirrors to you, reflecting your own self back to you, until you finally love all the unloved parts of yourself.
For in truth, we are all ONE.
We are all now stepping out of the carbon-based dense physical form into the new Solar Lightbody form.
The old density of the old form, the old duality, the old separation, judgements, etc. cannot hold form in the higher dimensional state. All disintegrates.
We are transcending pain and suffering.
Let go!
Set yourself free!
No one else can do this for you.
It your own sole responsibility.
You may call on Mother Mary to assist you with this process, as well as Unversal Angel Mary, and Mary Magdalene is working ceaselessly of bringing the balance back between the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine now.