Greetings and Salutations,
The ships that are sailing these days are not the one you are waiting for; the sad truth is that you must wait your turn in these turbulent times. Wish the news could be different and even more upbeat …….
Some of you continue to argue with whether this project has any bearing whatsoever on the upcoming Breakout??? It Does !! It Will !!
The end of it will be a nice surprise for most of you, though many who knew about this program have given up and many have passed over. It is a good idea to let your families know what you have invested in and make clear your plans along with any codes needed to open any vaults in your computers or phones or tablets.
The news is all over the board. Just stay attuned to the higher vibes and out of the fear porn, out of the gaslighting yuck and the fake news that is everywhere !!
Gesara and Nesara are going to have an impact on overly burdened people. However, the funds in place have been sliced away and how all of that will play out is just not in the lineup for the powers that be right now……
Hang in. “The Best Is Yet To Come”.