by Nicky Hamid
World Peace.
How can it be Attained? As long as I am trying to be someone and get somewhere how could I ever know it. Peace is a state of my Being and it is nothing about attaining anything.
And so how could World Peace be without me keeping my own Peace now.
Peace is in the Present and the very nature of Presence, my Presence.
And if in that Presence you reach for me, touch me, and stand with me you will know it, you will feel it as I will feel it with you.
Stop right now just for a moment. Take a simple deep breath and listen. We have breathed it together in this quantum moment.
I am in deep Peace with myself . I AM Peace, as I write in this Eternal moment.
And thus it is shared with you Now.
Hushhh…….Precious Soul.
Do you feel it?
It just IS and cannot be contained or attained. It is Present within as the backdrop to your Being…right now.
Whether felt or not.
It is Presence, as the very ground of your Being.
We are and have been totally addicted to drama and forever seeking stimulation.
How difficult it is for us to sit wide awake and fully present, and be totally at Home with doing nothing?
A wonderful practice in fact.
Be Still and Know that You are God.
When you begin to know this peace, that is so far beyond words and thought, then your Knowing Oneness becomes far clearer.
And is it not in this knowing that World Peace is a given?
World Peace is quite possible and in fact inevitable.
Why? Because You say so.
I So Love You