Weather patterns or weather warfare?
What’s already being done for the environment?
SaLuSa: We … continue with our program to minimise the effects of pollution both on and off Earth. This is something we have been involved in ever since the first experiments with nuclear devices. A considerable amount of our time has been cleansing your atmosphere of radioactive fallouts, and in more recent times the chemtrails. …
We have always kept watch on Mother Earth and her human population, and where allowed have often limited the effects of earthquakes. As you should know by now we only go as far as the higher councils authorise us, and we would not do anything that could be seen as interference. You have created your reality and it is not our place to prevent you experiencing the consequences. (1)
Atmos: Problems such as the pollution in your seas, in your soil and air can be largely left to us, as they present no problem. (2)
[But] remember, Dear Ones, that you are party to the cleansing of Earth, and it is your responsibility to do all you can to reverse the damage that has occurred over many years. (3)
Matthew: Even if every person on the planet did know what is transpiring [i.e., movement to a temperate climate worldwide], it would not negate the collective responsibility to stop desecrating Earth and repair the extensive damage that has been done to her. Other civilizations are eager to assist in this gargantuan task, but it is your planet home and you must take the lead. (4)
What should we be mindful of as these changes take place?
SaLuSa: Be in mind of the changes and be prepared, but do not allow any sense of foreboding to fill your mind. Although there will be some that affect your day-to-day lives, remember that these will only be of a temporary nature.
They are a means to an end inasmuch as to cleanse Mother Earth requires wide-scale changes that will cause upheaval depending upon which area you live in.
The changes have already started, and we are carrying out damage limitation exercises. Once we can openly work with you, preparations can be made in advance that will protect people from the outcome. Better still, we can quickly arrange for you to be transferred to another safe place. (5)
Matthew: Naturally Earth changes will impinge themselves upon you depending on where you live. Be assured however, we are fully aware of the likely results and are always present to lessen damage to life and limb.
However, Mother Earth like you has a cleansing to carry out, and it is inevitable that some of you will get caught up in it. You will be found where it is intended that you be for the end-times, and you will have known this before you incarnated. (6)
The record high and low temperatures, droughts and flooding that are part of Earth’s transition to her original moderate climate globally will present hardships for a while longer.
Gradually some sea level coastlines will become submerged; this need not present anxiety as there will be protective and compensatory measures for any inhabitants of those areas. (7)
SaLuSa: Naturally there are dangers simply by being on Earth, but understand that you are protected and guided so that you will rise above them. Only karmic reasons would result in you being pulled off course, and if it happens know that it is part of your life contract that you have already agreed upon. (8)
(1) SaLuSa, March 19, 2010, at
(2) Atmos, May 18, 2009, at
(3) SaLusa, Apr. 16, 2010, at
(4) Matthew’s Message, Jan. 11, 2010, at
(5) SaLuSa, March 22, 2010, at
(6) SaLuSa, Aug. 6, 2010, at
(7) Matthew’s Message, Jan. 11, 2010, ibid.; “Matthew Ward: Life After Ascension – Part 1/2,”
(8) SaLuSa, Sept. 14, 2009, at