by Nicky Hamid
Seems to be coming up a lot for folks.
Just a Thought on feeling hurt.
Deep remnants of judgement of being unlovable.
You have the power to create from any thought. So you are creating your world through thoughts from Soul wounds held as “malware” in your auric field and coming up as feelings first that trigger them.
If someone hurts you, you are rerunning the thoughts that are attached to the hurt feeling in the first place. Examine the thoughts, they are just thoughts, and you can change them anytime you choose. Why not now? Since there is only now and that is the only place you can be you create in this moment.
Hurt is feeling unloved.
Turn the thought around, always turn it around. Instead of “they hurt me” feel where the feeling is and then say “I hurt me”. “I hurt me when I say to myself…………” you told yourself an unkind lie about you and then you believed it.
It was thought that initiated and directed the feeling, and since you did not want to take your own power you projected it onto the world and into someone else’s mind which made you feel powerless to do anything about it.
And then the crazy human thing we do is to look everywhere in our world, through others to confirm our Unkind Lie, imagining that they are thinking it.
“Oh what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive” (our self).
But it is just a thought. It is your thought and you will feel hurt until you stop playing the powerless game. The game that your thoughts are not your own to create.
Take no thought seriously but consciously choose the thoughts you wish to retain or to maintain, and let the others be, let them come easily. And they will come up easily and leave once you see yourself with the Eyes of Love.
I So Love You
PS: Yes “seeing with the Eyes of Love”, the Heartmind connection.
You have a mental mind, it is a precious instrument, an “organ” of knowledge of the inner and outer realms, but it is not You. Seek to maintain it bright, clear, and alive but you are behind the “controls” of your thinking, it is not behind You. You are the Creator.
We go out into the world and it reflects something to us. If it feels good then we enjoy it and know it and explore it.
If it feels uncomfortable in any way then we take it unto ourselves, own it and love it, find the gift of Knowing in it and it then feels OK again.
It was just part of ourselves that we cast out. So really and truly it is all “good”. And we get quicker at it, at centring, Being alive and flowing with Life, rather than allowing ourselves to be a victim of life and buffeted by projected (and borrowed) thoughts of an illusionary reality.