Greetings and Salutations,
All things are in a chaotic format and chaos is energy in motion and so it is; just be clear that any small plan is set aside for the bigger happenings that are under way and that is the most accurate way to engage in this discussion.
We are open and receiving data and we are watchful as the days flow into weeks awaiting the time when you can be readied for the big event.
The big event that all has been waiting for is in “stasis” for now. There will not be a full out celebration that had been promised.
What can one expect? There are many twists and turns in this Imploding Avenue of Change!!!
I am going to give you a tidbit though; buy silver and just hang on and buy silver wherever you can. We too can see the intent to upset the currency market— no one can say when nor how but the events toward making that happen are underfoot.
Love and Kisses,