Judith Kusel
Make it your every day and night business, to simply become quiet and still, and then tilt you head back a little, close your eyes, and from your center of your own heart, simply say: “Thank you!”
List all that you have to be thankful for, or simply repeat “Thank you!” over and again again, like a mantra, and you will find that you are lifted into a much higher state.
Suddenly your Third Eye starts awakening and your will find that Inner Eye, the All Seeing Eye, between your eyebrows awakening, and carry on being grateful, until it becomes like a blinding sun.
In this state you just find that inner peace, that heart expansion, and a deeply consciousness state, that is indeed the truthful that of your soul!
A very powerful affirmation which was given to me, when my whole life had fallen apart, and I needed to start a totally new life on faith alone is this one:
” I AM grateful that All of Life comes to me, with ease, joy, love, power, abundance and glory!”
And now I am adding: “Thank you for All That is, as it IS!”
“I AM LOVE in thought, words and deeds. I AM Divine Love, I AM THAT I AM”