From Linda Dillon and the Council of Love
March 22, 2024
I’ve been having the most interesting conversation with the Council which I want to share with you. If I ask the question “do you want peace?” the answer would invariably be a resounding yes. But if I ask do you want unity there is hesitation, even a degree of reluctance!
Because Unity entails surrender of the desire to be right, to have a sense of victory that your thoughts, time, and efforts were worth it. That the struggles, sacrifices and investment of your sacred being was somehow worth it. And that is the miasma, the lack of clarity, around Unity and Sacred Love.
Is it that we don’t want to willingly surrender what we have held to be true? Or is it that during this time of such chaos and separation that we are fearful of losing ground to what we believe as less than loving actions or opinions of others? Is it our collective belief that victory somehow anoints?
The quintessential element of Unity is us making the very personal sovereign decision that it is more important to be Love than to be right. It’s about being that pathfinder that is willing to forge ahead, find and create new alternatives even when that pathway isn’t clear or obvious. It’s about us as lightworkers and love-holders making the choice to find and create a different way, leaving the friction, division, separation and confusion behind. And it can be terrifying, exciting and the most important thing we ever do here on planet in form.
Unity does NOT mean uniformity; it does not mean permission; and it does not entail agreement. It does mean maintaining our Divine Neutrality – embracing, inviting, choosing a different way to be here on Terra Gaia. It does entail acceptance of how collectively we are proceeding in division is not what our hearts truly desire or even what our spirit demands! And Unity, that wondrous place of balance and deep connection of love, can’t be done alone.
So, I really hope you will come and join me to come explore this new territory with the Council of Love and your community of loving, supportive Bravehearts. Together we can do this, create a world that’s good and kind and works for everybody. We can do this!. xxx
For further information on Embracing Sacred Love & Unity click here.
From my heart to yours, all my love, Linda
Council of Love
3406 SE Hart Cir
Port Saint Lucie
Florida 34984
United States