The historian in me is incredulous at the scale of the operation being mounted against the omnipresent Illuminati, the deep state, or cabal.
The way it took over Hollywood, the music industry, medicine, religion, on and on, amazes me.
Even more amazing is the scale of the operation the white hats around the world are mounting to remove them from power. Wherever they’re found – FEMA, the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, NATO, etc.
When you factor in that all of this is just a single episode in an ascension process that is hitherto unknown in the multiverse and will be the first of all the rest to follow, “historic” is too small a word to describe what we’re a part of.
And yet, with all that going on and being fed the latest news on the screen before me, I still, in the face of it, feel a competing draw inwards.
Amazing, is it not?
I mean, it’s not so amazing when we consider that the white hats would like us to remain calm. I’m right on track.
As well, our channeled sources have said Ascension goes ahead whatever the events are on Earth. From their standpoint, we are magnetically drawn along with the current or flow of events that the Mother’s Will causes.
You’ve heard me quote the Mother before on her Plan:
Divine Mother: [I am speaking about] those in … positions where control and abuse of power have been rampant. That will not be the platform [from] which integration of the various galaxies [into the new region of space] takes place. That is not the Plan.
I know very clearly, sweet one, as do you, if it is not [in] my Plan, then it will not occur. (1)
And what is her Plan? Her Plan is that all of us should journey on until we reach a point of absolute understanding and realization of who we truly are.
Michael tells us: “The soul is forever seeking to advance toward its collective whole – reunification is its major goal.” (2)
Who we truly are of course – our “collective whole” – is God. When one of us realizes itself, God meets God. And for that meeting was all of this created.
When we are reunited, we see that what we considered to be God’s Plan was also our plan. I’m reminded of a conversation with the Divine Mother on the subject:
Steve: I want to confess that I’m one of those people who have said I’m not going to be a puppet and follow a Divine Plan! I have my own free will in the matter. And then I have another thought, that I really am, at essence, the Father. So, this really is my plan!
Divine Mother: That is correct. And that is the wisdom emerging. It is the maturity of the soul to know. It is the immature — and we would say adolescent, but very often adolescents are far more mature than adults— but shall we say the spiritual young one who fights and thinks that there is a controlling authority. There is not! … This is not just the Divine Plan. This is your plan. (3)
So where does individual will and collective will fit into the purpose of life and Plan?
Our will fits into a larger picture in which an ineluctable draw on us pulls us back towards the One.
That draw is usually called in the literature “the longing for liberation.” It’s a built-in feature of all life. (4)
With the pull of that draw in the back of our minds, we can use the toroidal field to illustrate our collective situation:
All of us start out from God in the beginning and return to God in the end, as the toroidal field illustrates, a God we never left in a world that’s all illusion.
Let all of that be background to the discussion that’s about to be had with Archangel Michael on collective will.
Later on this will serve as an introduction to a discussion of collective consciousness-raising.
(Continued in Part 2, tomorrow.)
(1) The Divine Mother in “Enter the Delegations – Part 2/3,” May 5, 2019, at Reading, April 30, 2019.
Remember Totapuri, Ramakrishna’s guru, who wanted to end his life, contrary to the Mother’s wishes. He walked into the Ganges but no matter how far he waded in, the water never went above his shins:
“Suddenly, in one dazzling moment, [Totapuri] (1) sees on all sides the presence of the Divine Mother. She is in everything; She is everything. She is in the water; She is on land. She is the body; She is the mind. She is pain; She is comfort. She is knowledge; She is ignorance. She is life; She is death. She is everything that one sees, hears, or imagines. She turns “yea” into “nay”; and “nay” into “yay”. Without Her grace no embodied being can go beyond Her realm. Man has no free will. He is not even free to die. Yet, again, beyond the body and mind She resides in her Transcendental, Absolute aspect. She is the Brahman that Totapuri has been worshipping all his life.” (Swami Nikhilananda, trans. in The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 31.)
(2) “Archangel Michael: Creating your Sphere of Heavenly Light,” channelled through Ronna Herman, February 2014, at
(3) “The Divine Mother on the Divine Plan,” November 11, 2015, at
(4) See “Ch. 7. The Longing for Liberation” in The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment at and The Longing for Liberation at