by Celia Fenn
As you may have noticed, I have been absent for a week. I just needed some time away from Social Media to catch my breath after the intensity of the February Solar energies.
As we move into March and towards Equinox, we will be gifted with many beautiful Auroras that will illuminate our planet.
Yes, we are moving into another powerful portal and the first of this Eclipse season’s 2 powerful Eclipses.
On the 10th of March we will have the New Moon in Pisces. This is a dreamy time to go within and just “be” and continue to weave your dreams of the New Earth.
On the 20th of March we have some powerful energies converging: Sun into Aries, Full Moon, Equinox, and Penumbral Eclipse in Libra. Yes, this promises to be an intense moment, with the emphasis on balance and power or self-empowerment. No matter what swirls around us we can keep our balance and focus on the joy and beauty of life.
This Eclipse will prepare us for the “big one” which is the Total Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 8th of April. This one is called “The Great American Eclipse’ because it tracks through Mexico, the USA and Canada, powerfully activating Light Codes for the new Divine Masculine “Warrior of Love” for the New Earth.
So, get ready to ride the waves!
We have so got this!
Love and Blessings to All!