Judith Kusel
With the immensely powerful Sunspots now being released, we are in huge expanded portal of ascension, as they are activating the New Human, the New Humanity, the 7th Root Race of man.
Not only will we be much taller, but also have a much larger illumined mind as our heart centers will radiate out for kilometers in and around us. The higher 72 to 300 chakras will gradually be accessed as we then rise from 5th to 7th dimensional state.
The Universal and Intergalactic Counsels as intensely involved in monitoring this process and are amping up the Shift in Conscious to a huge degree – I cannot even a word to describe this. This one of the reasons why their Lightships are everywhere as this Shift is not just on planet earth, but at Galactic and Universal levels.
Before creation can expand it first has to contract, and when contracted it bursts into new life and new beginnings.
The Great Central Sun of Illumination is now directly active via Sirius, and this means that the keys and codes of Sirius, Lyra, Andromeda, Pleiades, Orion and wormhole galaxies between Orion and Sirius (forgotten by man), Arcturus, Cygnus, and the first 12 Master Galaxies first involved with the creation of outer crust of the Earth and laying down of the first twelve Crystal Pyramids and Crystalline Energy grids, are now being fully activated.
The keys and codes are literally encoded into the Earth, and with the Fall of Atlantis, those that were still active in 5th dimensional Atlantis, were purposefully shut down with the rest. This was done, as even then it was known that the New Earth would born, when the Divine Cycles of Creation and that when the consciousness of the New Humanity was fully activated again to the 5th and then 7th, they would finally be able to access such information and knowledge again and utilize it for the highest good and not for self-service not for power games.
Those power games are not necessary anymore and will dissolve, just like the Old Earth is dissolving on all levels now.
It is a time of vast expansion, and you will start feeling this intensely now. It will seem as if no-thing works anymore which always has worked. This simply means we are now on the threshold of new inventions, new higher knowledge, and technology, which will now step to the fore as we rise in consciousness.
As the heart center expands, we will be in alignment with our soul, our Higher Soul Self, and thus will not be able to co-create anything anymore, which is not in highest alignment with the Divine Will and Purpose, and within the Universal Laws of Creation.
It is with and through the Power of Love that we will unify and understand that we are all One.
There is no separation, there never has been and there never will be, as we expand in Galactic and Universal Consciousness, we return to the Intergalactic Federation and the Universal Federation of Multi-Universes and to our true home, because all our soul originate from other galaxies and star systems and we will be able to interact with our soul family again, as our new Solar Lightbody form will not be as dense and we can access multi-dimensionality again in all aspects and forms thereof.
We are therefore now being expanded – and this expansion means beyond the beyond.
There are no boundaries, no limits.
We are free and boundless as we embrace infinity.