February 13, 2024
By email ~ NatalieGianelli.com
Message from Natalie
Beautiful Souls:
Dancing is a form of channeling, and it can help you become a master receiver.
Here’s how: When you are just moving and grooving, when you are just shaking and shimmying, you’re channeling because you are not thinking about what you “should” be doing.
If you’ve ever listened to someone freestyle rap – they are channeling. If you’ve ever done automatic writing, you just let the pen start to go and the words flow, and you are channeling it.
Dance is a really easy way to practice channeling. You are tapping into the universal flow and letting it move through you. You are not overthinking it because, who cares? You’re just letting yourself have fun, just dancing.
Dance makes you a good receiver because you are practicing channeling without trying to figure out the specifics of everything. When we stop thinking, like during meditation or dance, just letting the flow happen, you open up the channel you are and just receive.
When we try to find “the best way” to do anything, it’s the best way our ego knows to do it.
We become a master receiver when, instead, we just let it flow…the best way that God knows.
This is how you start a practice of becoming a powerful, masterful receiver – by doing it with something you don’t have an attachment to, the dance. You practice for a couple of minutes every morning, with no attachment, no agenda.
By regularly practicing receiving without attachment (like when you are dancing), it makes you an even more masterful receiver of the things that feel bigger to you, like receiving in your business, or relationships or money.
The practice with the little things helps us to become masterful with the big things.
Here is Dr. Peebles’ perspective:
When you are moving your body without any attachment, you are not performing for an audience, you are not trying to look good, you are not trying to get from A to B or make sure you are building this kind of muscle, when you are moving…when you are dancing, you are in the flow of the universal oneness. This is the energy through which the presence of God creates everything.
If you can imagine watching a young child dance in the yard, twirling and laughing and smiling. She is in creation and this is how the universal oneness, the presence of God, creates everything. So, when you are dancing you are truly channeling the frequency of how the universal oneness is feeling when it is creating everything you see and cannot see. You are in the flow, you are channeling the presence of God.
When you are dancing, you are channeling. Channeling is the very act of surrendering and letting that which wants to come through, do so without resistance.
Every one of you has written a letter or had a conversation with someone and the dialogue is leaving your lips at a rapid rate and you are saying the perfect thing at the perfect time. It is exactly what this person needs to hear, and you’ve channeled it.
This type of channeling can be applied to any area of your life – your business, your money, your love, relationships and health. Channeling is about surrendering and then receiving. So dancing is assisting you in becoming even more profound receivers, because you are letting the flow overtake you for a moment. You are letting yourself receive, and that can be applied to any area of your life.
If you are dancing (even for just a few minutes) every morning, you are practicing channeling/receiving. This will give you even more awareness of the frequency of receiving in every other area of your life.
Dance, my friends. Every single one of your ancestors has done this, and it will connect you to the universal forces as well. We love you.