This interview was originally aired on Rumble on December 14, 2023. Canadian Journalist, Will Dove had as his guest Pascal Najadi, whom you may recall seeing from an earlier post on GAoG. Pascal is a Swiss citizen and interestingly placed player among the world’s movers and shakers around accountability and disclosure.
Will Dove’s intro covers the background of a short documentary that Pascal did, Cutting off the Head of the Snake in Geneva, Switzerland, as well as the status of lawsuits filed in relation to the vaccines since then, of both a collective and personal nature.
They play that film, and then the interview begins. It’s over an hour long, but a good watch it is. The topic of “Diplomatic Immunity” is explored in-depth. What that looks like is the cabal granting itself free rein to globally do actually whatever they like, with no limits whatsoever.
Coincidentally, the last 17 minutes of Pascal’s speech is especially juicy.
We’ll just offer a few spicy quotes that hint of the goodness that’s inside, and they’ll make more sense if you’ve watched the short film linked above.
“The U.N. has become a little monster.”
“Other things will happen to correct this mistake.”
“Every day from this moment forward, if the Swiss Army does not arrest these people, it’s a problem for them, not for me. Every move is watched. They can’t escape.”
“We are the Guardians of Humanity, and our Light obliterates the darkness of evil, always.”
“U.S. Space Force members are guardians…I’ll leave it at that.”
“It’s the end game now, which means it comes to a head very soon.”
“Be strong, and have no fear.”
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