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Phil had a long story to share last night, and he told it really slowly and with many pauses. It’s a pretty big deal, and we all get to decide if what he’s saying is truth or it isn’t. I’m personally going with it being true, especially after following Q all these years. My Secret Squirrel source assures me as well that Phil is plugged in to real and actual intelligence.
Notes ~
It’s time for people to know the truth.
Phil has been fascinated by undercover work since he was 12 or 13, and he successfully pursued it as a career in order to effect change worldwide.
He was recruited into the CIA from high school into a 6 week summer program. The first year was the organization getting used to the recruits. They were being watched, evaluated and rated. It was a blur of mind testing, awareness testing, intelligence testing. Recruits weren’t always aware that a test was being conducted.
He left wondering what actually even happened that summer, but he was intrigued.
Phil was invited back for a second summer, and everything changed. The first year was about evaluating recruits, and he apparently did well. The second year was about deciding if they would be hired, and for what position.
The 2nd year training seemed very long, even though it was only 8 or 9 weeks. It was a military like facility, although not actually military.
Phil was rated top in his summer group, and became known as #1. They matched people of similar potential and skill to be roomates in each “dorm,” and so he was assigned the #2 guy. They became very close friends, and remained so after training.
At meals and during recreation, the recruits were mixed in with active agents. Nobody used their real names, ever. They were given aliases, and Phil’s was Mark. His roomy was Wheeler (always called Two).
The recruits in his group all started hearing things, and I assume he meant in a voices-in-my-head kind of way. What they were hearing was that the CIA would be responsible for an attack on US soil, and that thousands would die. The other extremely weird thing that many were hearing was that “Your mother is not a woman.”
When I heard that, I immediately thought they were playing at mind control, planting two different seeds that would play off one another to the agenda-driven benefit of the organization. For example, saying something true at the same time as reporting something untrue so that confusion ensues, and the subjects then aren’t sure about anything.
The recruits who kept repeating the weirdness were the ones with family already in the CIA.
Then, 9/11 happened (in September of 2001). As he watched the towers burn, he knew that event was what was told to him at summer camp, and that he was part of it. He’d wanted to change the world for the better, and here he was feeling responsible for what happened then. He was crushed to learn that what he thought was a White Hat organization was actually evil. Phil’s hopes and dreams disintegrated.
In June of 2002, Phil graduated high school.
By that summer, he was extended an offer to work for the CIA.
Immediately after that invitation, he got a call from Two, who was also invited. He went to go visit his friend, and they talked for 8 hours. Two had also made the connection about who was responsible for 9/11, and he’d decided to go work for the CIA to try to change things from the inside. He tried to talk Phil into joining as well.
Phil turned the job offer down.
Two subsequently went to visit Phil, and by that time, he’d become the youngest agent to join the organization.
Phil didn’t know what to do, but then he got a call from another government agency, the NSA. They knew what had happened, and they wanted to set things right. Phil started to feel that his dream wasn’t dead after all. It was the career he’d always wanted.
But everything changed when Obama was president. He weaponized the NSA with technology that Phil actually was responsible for creating. His work was being used against the US, but to whose benefit?
Why was Obama using an intelligence agency against the United States…for whom?
His world, for the second time, was completely shattered. He reached out for Two (who was now kind of a big deal in the CIA) to get him out of there. He got Phil wiped from all records, and just disappeared him from the NSA. Snowden was the fall guy for what Phil did. The entire Snowden story all happened well before the public knew anything about it.
Two wanted Phil to get back in, but his faith in any government organization had been shattered. He wanted to go live a normal life, and have a mortgage and a family. He did that, and eventually got another call from Two, who was answering to pretty much no one at this point.
All Two said was, “We got them.” Phil’s only response? “What do you need me to do?”
“We’ll be in touch.”
When Two did reach out, he described a massive plan. He said that everything had to go just right, and they had all the people needed to make sure it was so.
In early 2017, Phil was tasked with finding a platform to communicate with the general public using an undetectable signature…for the Q team. He found 4Chan.
Q is not one person, it’s a team, with several different members writing the posts. Phil has actually posted as Q, and he knows who the traitors are among Anons. He chooses not to troll them on social media, because what’s coming for people like those who betrayed the group is much worse than his giving them a bad report online.
We really do have it all.
Everything that has happened starting in 2017, up until today, that we’ve seen publicly…had already happened. None of it went down when we were finding out about it.
The military has already rescued this country. We’ve been living the movie for the last six years, a very well written and scripted transaction. It’s all being fed to us through the MSM, which the White Hats are in control of. The destruction of evil is underway, and we’re being shielded by the smokescreen of body doubles, etc. The White Hats set it all up, because total destruction of the evil had to be complete and final, and it all had to happen in secret, almost like it wasn’t happening. The Plan started in 2012 when Obama committed treason, and the military had to step in.
Obama was almost extracted from office. The good guys started setting up the chess pieces back then, and they were able to make ten moves before their opponent did. The battle began in 2017 at Trump’s inauguration. The Q campaign was initiated in order to educate; to show people that we weren’t alone in our thinking that things are not at all right.
Q brought to light all manner of things that we had no clue about before.
Phil talked about covid not actually being a thing; that it was a huge distraction from the takedown of the cabal.
When the EBS comes, it’ll be time for a shift within Humanity. We’ll find out how close we came to the brink of losing Humanity forever. In 2017, we got a second chance. Certain pieces have to fall into place before all this happens, but we’re closer to the EBS and to Trump coming back into office today than we’ve ever been.
The indictments against Trump are about to be thrown out, because he is not prosecutable.
Jack Smith went to the SCOTUS to try to get them to rule on this right away. If they rule him to be prosecutable, and he doesn’t have presidential immunity, what happens to previous presidents? They’ll rule that Trump does have immunity, those cases will get tossed, and then…it’s time for Trump to come back.
The 2024 election is not happening. We have never been more at the precipice than we are now. It’s already been done, and saying that nothing can stop what’s coming is only because it’s already happened. Now it’s just a curtain call.
We are living through the greatest times in human history. This is coming to a close, and don’t let anyone tell you any different. He knows these things to be factual, because he helped start it. He has a direct line to the people who are in charge.
We’ve won. All that’s left is the crying for them, and the celebration for us.