Judith Kusel
I read the “Pistes Sophia” a few years ago which basically deals with the Holy Sophia, who holds the Divine Feminine Wisdom.
In an act of supreme love for humanity after the Fall she descends to earth to try and help humanity to find their way back to wholeness, gnosis. Yet no matter how hard she tries, she finds they cannot hear her, being so caught up in density and matter.
I was reminded of this yesterday during a profound conversation with my best friend, where we were talking about how we are rapidly ascending into the higher dimensional frequency bands, how those in the lower are wanting to cling onto us, wanting to be fixed.
Yet no matter how we try to reach them through our guidance they cannot hear us anymore. And I write this with great compassion and love.
Why? Its all a matter of energy and energetic exchange, but also consciousness. Many are truly wanting to rise but are still so caught up in the lower vibrational density, the worries, the fears, the dramas, that they simply cannot hear with their soul as the mind is still blocking and the lower self, the ego.
All we can do in such cases is to keep the heart open and simply hold them in love and light, like the Holy Sophia did.
Yet the Holy Sophia, with the Divine Feminine have fully been integrated now and finally so many souls can see, feel, hear and experience the inpouring of Divine Love and Wisdom.
I witnessed with my students how their hearts opened to the Holy Sophia and how they experienced her presence in deep and profoundly loving ways.
For she is there in the deepest wisdom and knowing of our own soul and in the love we are in truth and indeed in the New Golden Age the Temples of Wisdom will rise again as balance, unity and harmony returns and gnosis becomes a way of life.