by Digger Barr
Life can be interesting often in ways that one doesn’t expect.
That is one of the common denominators of life.
Expect the unexpected because that is what life will bring.
Isn’t this the spice of life?
How often do we intentionally create a routine in order to have consistency? Or end up getting stuck in a rut?
We are creatures of habit and we like to know what is coming next.
We plan and organize. We make schedules and appointments.
We set up our lives in a way that we have control of the future to the best of our ability.
And even while we are doing this we know that life will bring us the unexpected.
Many people are not able to plan beyond the now.
Each day is as it comes and their world is living paycheck to paycheck.
But a large number of the population is working towards a contingency plan.
If you’re lucky you have developed an idea about retirement, continuing education or advancing your career.
All part of planning ahead for some greater plan that gives comfort and purpose but more importantly security.
This ability to plan for the future sets us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom. This is one of our gifts from the ego mind.
But are we using this skill set as a gift or is it a trap?
When we plan, plan and plan, do we allow for the unexpected?
Who are we when the unexpected happens?
Do we fall apart and crumble because it’s not part of the plan?
Did we get stuck in a rut?
Did we give our power away to the investments that were designed to carry out our plan?
Did we set a trap for ourselves?
Was it really our plan or was it something we were directed to do by expectations?
How often in life do we get a chance to reinvent ourselves?
Did you quit your career to follow your heart as an artist, for example?
Did you retire then come out of retirement to generate income or to do something that makes your heart sing ?
Did you set up your goals as an emerging adult due to what the latest job statistics say?
When is it that we actually take time and look deep into our hearts and say, Today I am going to do whatever it is I want to do?
When do we get the chance to live in the flow of things and interact with the unexpected as a known part of life?
I am asking a lot of questions here and maybe evaded the point that I want to bring forward.
I am not sure what my point actually is.
It’s just that I am at a point in my life where I get to look at re-inventing myself and I am wondering exactly what that would look like?
Where do I want to go?
What do I want to do?
I have many answers for that but realize that most will defy the ‘normal’ world of expectations.
Why do we feel a need to limit ourselves because it goes against the norm?
When given an opportunity to redefine yourself, will you hold back?
What would you do that truly makes your heart sing?
I sit with these questions for myself.
I wonder where the answers will lead me.
I like the idea of the unexpected. I like the idea of living in the flow.
Imagine the unexpected as a wave rising up from the ocean and we are waiting there with our surf boards.
Wouldn’t it be great if that wave was much bigger than expected and we had a chance to truly experience a great ride.
The ride of a lifetime.
The unexpected is sure to come.
Maybe my new plan is to climb up on the surfboard and be at the ready.
So like everyone else I will plot and plan because that is what we do.
I may not have the answers I seek just yet but, they will surely rise as surely as the ocean has waves.
I for one want to be ready.
The unexpected will happen and this is one wave I want to be ready to ride.
I do want to make a point.
We are all able to do this at any time in our lives.
We probably don’t allow ourselves to think this way.
We have a plan. Stick to the plan.
I have changed my way of thinking.
If you want to make a change in your life.
Do it. There is nothing, nothing to stop you.
That unexpected wave may just be one that you create for yourself.
Allow yourself to go with the flow.
Let’s see where we can go.