Judith Kusel
Sacral Chakra and fifth dimension.
The sacral chakra brought with it in the 3rd dimensional immense soul lessons, of the misuse of powers, especially in baser forms, and thus in the most intimate forms. Here hooks, cords, ties, bonds were formed between souls which carried over into many lifetimes. This includes family relationships.
As the fifth dimensional Sacral chakra is fully activated (and this important now as our higher heart chakras are fully being activated with the aquamarine ray) those negative cords, ties, etc. need to be fully cleared away, so we are freed from bondage and all other souls involved to. For we need to be free in order to be able to experience transcendental love, which allows us to have the freedom to be simply ourselves and the highest expression of ourselves.
When the sacral chakra is being lifted into the fifth, it highlights all the areas where clearing is needed and brings relationship challenges which require great wisdom, loving grace, discernment, forgiveness and unconditional love to be dissolved and with trusting the deep knowing within.
With every clearing, soul initiations are passed, and the more open you become to transcendental love as the higher heart fully connects to the sacral.
This chakra then becomes a luminant soft pink and spreads to all around you, as it fills the entire hip area and with the higher heart, now opens you to full access to purity and love your soul is in truth. You now start vibrating at a much higher vibrational frequency and can now experience love in the truest sacred sense, that of the soul.
When the sacral chakra merges with the higher heart, we can even merge with our twin flames who are not in physical form and have never incarnated on earth, which will happen more and more now.
(True love never binds, or owns, nor needs to sign contracts, take vows or oaths. These are manmade and greatest causes of clogging of the sacral area.)
More than this, we will in this 5th dimensional plane find such joy, light and unconditional love, transcending all we have ever known in the density and duality of the 3D.
I can only say that one experiences transcendental cosmic love, all earthly offerings fade. For in truth Love is infinite and immortal.
So is love with great tenderness, trust and respect which always allows the other the freedom to be, and express, who and what they in truth are.
The New Golden Age is the Age of transcendent love.