1963-2023 = 60th Anniversary
I thought I could get through a November 22 without being totally choked up at the remembrance of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, sixty years ago today. I made it to 9:00 am.
Excuse me a moment while I weep.
It feels like it was around this time that the news arrived at our school that the President had been assassinated. No one – teachers, students, admin – had any heart for school. Everyone across the province went home and watched TV.
We now know the CIA, FBI, even the Secret Service, and other elements of the deep state were behind it, not Lee Harvey Oswald. Most recently doctors from the Dallas Parkland Hospital have admitted what “conspiracy theorists” have pointed out for years, that there were two exit wounds – one in the front of his head and one in the back.
The back was his Secret Service driver turning around and delivering the coup de grace. You can see him do it in the unexpurgated version of the Magruder video. Hold it right there. Blam. And the President falls, not forward, but backward. It’s at that moment that the First Lady tries to flee the car – after a shot is fired from the front seat.
President Kennedy was genuinely going to bring about change. A silver standard for the dollar. Shut down the CIA. I believe he planned to disclose the UFO presence. His vision was extended through the Peace Corps (in its early years), which allowed my generation an outlet for their desire to make a difference in our world. His was the New Frontier and my generation were overwhelmingly behind him and it.
For me the tragedy of his assassination was only surpassed by 9/11. It was the death of a world vision, a world at peace, a world of plenty.
I know he can hear me say, I remain inspired by your vision, Mr. President. In Werner Erhard’s words, we’re building a world that works for everyone. I want you to know that the leadership you offered remains a living inspiration to me that such a world is possible.
[He will not] Rest in Peace [until the world rests in peace].