Judith Kusel
Beautiful high potency White Flame cosmic energies are pouring in. I have worked intensely with this Flame since 2009.
We are being lifted beyond that which has ever been before.
Since three months ago the etheric Melchizedek Temple complex from before the Great Floods, and crystal pyramids temples of the high priesthood of Zadok and HIgh Priestesshood of Seraph have been activated.
This brings a total change from one form into another.
I have been energetically working with this since 2019 and with Lord Melchizedek and this complex links directly to the Giza pyramid, the sphinx and the Temple of Luxor and Lord Serapis Bey who holds the White Flame in the etheric temple there.
It links directly to SIrius and Andromeda.
Purification in the highest degrees.
The whole of Africa is reactivated as should for all is linked from the ancient time of the LIon Kingdom.
What has lain dornant for millions of years is reactivated.
We are ready for takeoff.