This article is intended to be part of an ascension ethnography. (1) Hence it’s more detailed than normal, especially the footnotes. I apologize if it’s found to be too lengthy or detailed.
It’s embarrassing to walk around with very little memory. The only thing that makes it bearable is that most of my friends are in the same boat.
This has been happening with me since 2012. I’m fine at the keyboard. I’m fine with long-term memory. But short-term memory, I just can’t hold onto things, no matter how hard I try. Like why did I come into the kitchen? What was I thinking of?
I’ve even watched the memory of an event disappear the other day, almost as soon as it happened.
Michael has assured me that I don’t have dementia. (2) He’s said I’ll have enough memory when I need it. (3) And he’s even told me two of the reasons: So I’ll forget about the Third Dimension. And so I’ll live in the moment.
I can now guess at a third: So we can work together in writing in a closer and more synchronous manner.
But, until now, I hadn’t given much attention to the matter. Memory loss was a nuisance and that was that.
And yet, and this is another-post June 12th event, I realized this morning (4) that, where I’m going, from CEO to pipeline to galactic liaison (which Michael describes as the main event), (5) I’m going to need to leave the past behind.
He has on occasion encouraged me to live in the moment, which is pretty scarey for a logical guy. (6) But now it’s all coming into perspective.
What I realized this morning is that, if I’m to become the best vehicle I can for Michael to work through, undoubtedly in writing, then I need to forget the past and live in the present, (7) forget the Third Dimension (whatever that looks like) and focus on the Fifth-Seventh (wherever he wants me to be).
I’m going to take a chance here. Post-June 12, taking a chance seems to be in order. (8) I’m going to allow myself to go deeper into no-memory.
Wow, this is scarey.
I’m going to allow that Michael meant every word he said and that letting go of my memory of the old Third is what is required.
We knew we’d have to let go of everything. That meant letting go of our attachment to it, not necessarily letting go of the thing itself. I therefore let go of my attachment to the Third Dimension, even though I know full well that no one around me in my personal world may understand what I’m doing and may not support it.
Here is my piecing together of what Michael is saying to me, from so many puzzle pieces over time. Full supporting quotes are in the footnotes to Part 2.
(Concluded in Part 2, below.)
(1) See An Ascension Ethnography at
(2) I’m going to post in a future article Michael’s detailed discussion of memory loss with me because I think the subject is of general concern.
Archangel Michael: What you had been experiencing is not dementia.
Steve: What I personally have been experiencing in myself is not dementia?
AAM: That is correct.
Steve: Did I ever have that thought?
AAM: Oh yes, about a year and ½, two years ago you had that great fear.
Steve: Oh, okay. I seem to recall it vaguely. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, July 13, 2018. (Hereafter AAM.)
(3) AAM: You will have enough of a memory, dear heart. Do not worry about it. (AAM, April 13, 2016.)
(4) I had other realizations this morning as well, of a personal/private nature. Again I relate that to post-June 12. On June 12, Michael shifted the car into a higher gear. See “Co-Creative Partners with the Company of Heaven,” June 12, 2023, at
(5) AAM: You are a bridge to your star brothers and sisters. The money is just a side event. The main event has yet to occur. (AAM, Feb. 7, 2013.)
(6) AAM: One of the difficulties of humans is that they have a proclivity to either live in the past (and it can be recent past or ancient past) or to project themselves and live in the future.
It is a very curious malaise that most of the human race – yes, most of the human race – chooses not to live in the moment. So you are living in the moment. And you say, “Yes Lord I’m very willing to live in the moment but I would like to be able to access my memories, recent events so I don’t feel like a fool.”
We hear you.
Steve:… Or lose my thought in the middle of a sentence or forget what I’m going into the kitchen for or, oh, it goes on and on… Crazy. …
AAM: What we are doing and we are doing it even now as we are speaking, we are making all those synapses, all those electrical systems, all the upgrade a brilliant neon blue so that the entire brain, all hemispheres’ functions will be more clearly firing.
Now the biggest impediment, and I know you, sweet one, the biggest impediment to this being fully effective is concern, so let us do our job. You give me the worry and let us proceed with the completion of the upgrade. (AAM, Aug. 5, 2020.)
(7) AAM, Feb. 7, 2013.
(8) AAM, May 6, 2013. For my re-choosing co-creative partnership with Michael on June 12, 2023, see “Co-Creative Partners with the Company of Heaven,” June 12, 2023, ibid.(8)