The deep state’s Emergency Broadcast System airs tomorrow. There have been suggestions that it may carry in its signal either disquieting noises or else malware, etc.
The EBS is set to go off between:
2-4 PM ET
1-3 PM CT
12-2 PM MT
11-1 PM PT
The video says between:
2:20 and 4:20 ET
1:20 and 3:20 CT
12:20 and 2:20 MT
11:20 and 1:20 PT
To bracket both possible times, I’m taking my machines off on this schedule:
1:50 and 4:40 ET
12:50 and 3:40 CT
11:50 and 2:40 MT
10:50 and 1:40 PT
Others are ignoring it. It’s up to you. I’d rather be safe and not lose anything.
Please be responsible for your own research and for checking the times.
Here’s a video on the matter and comments from Judy Byington.
@nikkidee.ray #october #oct4 #oct4th #abuseawareness #domesticviolencesurvivor #donesticviolanceawarness #nashville
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 2 Oct. 2023
A. What We Think We Know as of Mon. 2 Oct. 2023:
· 5,000 Star Link Satellites were floating across the sky and ready for an Emergency Alert System (EAS) Activation:
· The EAS was not to be confused with the pending FEMA Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) “Test” where the Cabal planned to attack our Phones, TVs and WiFi Technology on Wed. 4 Oct. between 2 and 4 pm EST. It was advised to turn them off during that time in order to avoid 5G attacks.
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 3 Oct. 2023
All of which and lots more would soon be explained and taken care of under Constitutional guidelines upon activation of the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) that will broadcast worldwide with documentaries in 55 languages and 600 dialects on all channels on the Planet, courtesy of the Alliance Space Force – a very different broadcast from the Wed. 4 Oct. FEMA EAS Test as explained below.
B. WARNING: Word was that during the FEMA Emergency Broadcast System “Test” on Wed. 4 Oct. the Cabal had plans to attack our Phones, TVs and WiFi Technology. Absolutely Do NOT participate. Turn off ALL devices. Unplug ALL computers. Disconnect ALL information technology from WiFi between 2 and 4 pm EST on Wed. 4 Oct.