A long time ago, it seems now, the twelve other members of the Nova Earth Foundation, as it was at the time, were discussing future arrangements.
Michael had told us that we were a team and that all of us would be global leaders. We thought it meant that we would operate ‘as a team,’ a single unit.
I personally thought that was not the most useful interpretation leading to a misallocation of resources overall. Each one of us should be the head of our own company. Spread the leadership around. Plant the seeds.
I also thought Dodge City would not be big enough for the twelve of us. Why would capable leaders want to serve under another when there’s no need to do so and a great inducement to strike out on one’s own.
Let me repeat the conversation because, as the EBS/Reval/Ring of Fire approaches, I feel it to be relevant today.
My suggestion was and is that people not group lightworker leaders together in one company. In the long run, we need to “seed” the population. And that means spreading leadership around.
Anyone who feels the calling to be a lightworker leader should, if at all possible, be helped to lead their own company, project, or other organization. We need leadership. Securing that, putting that in place, the rest will follow.
Inventors, explorers, workshop leaders, artists – anyone striking out – after the Reval, fund them. Encourage leadership.
I’m speaking to humanitarian philanthropists, after the Reval and after your NDA vacation!
I suggest spreading the leadership opportunities around. If people are ready, willing, and able, help them to create and found their own efforts.
And multiply that by an order of magnitude in the place where you live. In the surrounding 20-50 miles in all directions, see that people have the wherewithal to realize their dreams. Make yours the Centerville Project just as mine is the Vancouver Project and have the area hum.
I already I feel this wave of love that goes out from me to everyone from here to the end of the Fraser Valley. And I haven’t done anything yet.
Create and spread leadership. Revive people’s sense of self-worth and capability. Fund their efforts to give back to their community.
If the post-Reval world is not about being enabled to live our dreams, I must be in the wrong theater.