Thanks to Sitara.
We are about to attract many new fake friends, unknown relatives and users for good times on your dollar.
We will have haters because we now have money and they don’t like us or what projects we might be doing.
Some might be envious and can make you their target.
Do not change your lifestyle drastically and don’t be flashy. It is called conspicuous consumption.
Also do not experience money guilt and give out money like candy to poor relations or those down on their luck, don’t do it, as this can possibly damage their benefits such as Disability or make them look to you for dependency instead of taking care of their own financial duties or daily routines.
There are many ways to help them secretly within our new reality.
Get with the Fiduciary Advisors you have hired and have them guide you.
Fraudsters and scammers are already involved but more are waiting for our event to finalize and more will continue after your appointment just from sites and groups you have signed up with, for this reason it is suggested to delete all old email addresses and start a new under advice from your Security team.
Some scammers have probably already formed corporations, LLC’s and or fake humanitarian websites, in order to try to separate us from our money.
We must not be victims of these bad ones, and must be aware of fraud.
There will also be internet scammers targeting us, so do not move money to some other entities even corporate ones, without your chosen trusted fiduciary team doing background checks and advising you.
Identity theft and internet fishing scams are going to be lining up on us, personally, I’m going to have my current and past footprints completely changed or erased from the internet.
Be very careful what you click on, especially with text messages and in social media and emails, you might want to have a different computer for your business VS personal family and friends.
Again, make sure to depend on your attorneys, your Security Experts and your fiduciaries, before you make important decisions.
And always have background checks done for everyone new in your life.
Before moving any money, make sure you have a contract and have an attorney go over the terms, and discuss it with your fiduciary/ies.
Don’t rush or make hasty/time sensitive decisions, because that is a tact scammers use and hasty decisions causes mistakes.
I know this might sound negative, sorry, I’m only trying to help everyone with a good look from outside the box now that you are rich.
I’m not a lawyer or a financial advisor, or any kind of expert.
I was just inspired to post this for ya’ll, after listening to all current updates.
by email