by Lee Carroll, September 8, 2023, via email
Practice Compassion and Love
After the devastating fires in Lahaina, Hawaii, many of you have reached out to ask how you can show your support to those who have been impacted.
We’ve been so touched by how much love and care you’ve all shared regarding this situation and we wanted to offer a clear path to how you can offer your help. Of course, we do this by sharing the benevolent wisdom of Kryon.
In any event such as this, Kryon encourages us all to practice compassionate action and to place our focus on expanded love and kindness.
In this video, Monika and I share a meditation and visualization for us all to send our unified loving compassion.
Editor’s note ~ There’s a running transcript of the meditation available on the following website…
Kryon also shared earlier this year that we’re currently in the year of recovery, of which there are many stages. Our intention with this meditation is to reach those in Lahaina who are currently experiencing the recovery phase of the fires in order to provide our love and support.
As we all know, prayer is a truly powerful healing medium that directly reaches those to whom the intention is sent through the Field. We also know this power is amplified greatly when we send that intention as a group of Old Souls in coherence with one another.
Because we know this to be true, we hope you all join us, knowing that it will reach those in Hawaii and create healing. This is truly the best and most impactful thing we can all do to help at this time.
With the deepest compassion,
~ Lee & Monika