Just had a conversation with a gentleman who confesses that the idea of sudden wealth feels overpowering.
I share that sentiment and have done a bit of reflection on it. One approach I’d like to recommend is from the Sixties: Think globally; act locally.
Now combine that with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Hold that in your mind for a minute.
I recommend that people take responsibility for their “local” community (within, say, a 20-mile radius of us) first and foremost and that that support follow Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
Focusing on our community is “acting locally.”
Usually we think of “thinking globally” as thinking of the entire planet at once. I’d like to suggest a second meaning – everyone in a locale. We provide food and shelter for everyone in a locale. Approaching things this way may or should lead to unitive consciousness.
Biological and Physiological Needs
First see that everyone – thinking globally – is well/adequately fed, sheltered, clothed, etc. First in line should be single mothers and their children, the orphaned, injured veterans, and the disabled. Get everyone under cover, warm, well-fed, and well-clothed.
Fund councils to run projects – the PTA to run school meals; a library council to fund school libraries; an arts council to fund artists; etc. Michael once said people would come out of the woodwork to help me. I predict the same for you.
Try to remain as just the funder as much as possible because your attention will be sought by numerous people. You won’t have time for administering overly much until and unless you hire staff.
Make sure that everyone’s survival needs in your local community are seen to, no questions asked. Native reservations, Convention refugees, the sick and the elderly – everyone. Again: This is “global” thinking.
Then rules need to apply to see that criminality doesn’t take root. I don’t see why it would in the atmosphere that’ll be here then. But that would be next.
Safety Needs
Whatever is needed to make the community safe is next provided. Once people are in shelter and taken care of in other ways, then whatever problems arise are dealt with.
The night is taken back. Whatever measures need to be put in place and only awaited funding are put in place.
If we’re in the phase of building Nova Earth, corruption will have been rooted out of all public agencies.
Police should have adequate funds to do their job. They’re paid well and emphasize community service. As Kathleen says, police forces to peace forces.
Search & Rescue is strengthened; coast guards; air ambulances; etc.
Med beds are introduced and health issues lessen in concern.
Free energy is used and anti-gravity starcraft arrive, which improve travel safety, reach, and economy immensely.
Past this point, I think the community takes over and creates “social capital” in the form of spiritual pursuits, exercise classes, yoga, etc. Our job now becomes less about initiating and more about funding their creation if they need it.
What we’ve done so far is to see that people in our local community have their survival and safety needs met and then turned them loose, with further funding, to pursue their own dreams.
How does going in this fashion relate to the big picture?
What is the purpose of life? (1)
To find out who we truly are.
What happens then? When one of us realizes him or herself, God meets God and for that meeting was all of this created.
Through whatever avenue, people will now be free to realize themselves. As painters, opera singers, explorers, writers, film makers, etc.
Once the Ring of Fire hits, we’ll all know the love I’ve been writing so much about, as has everyone else who’s been touched by it. Love is like a fine enamel paint, a single coat of which leaves us with a lustrous finish.
After that, all of what’s happening now will be like a bad dream which has no staying power. In the face of this love, it will disappear.
(1) See The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Purpose-of-Life-is-Enlightenment-3.pdf