by Nadina Boun
From whose perspective?
When you say this is right and this is wrong, we have to ask, from whose perspective? Some people spend their time writing video games and others spend their day playing the games. Does it make the one writing the games more right because he is making money, and the one playing all day wrong because he is not getting paid?
Do you want a world based on money or a world based on freedom and joy? Some people like to observe the sky while others like to study it. Some observe nature while others take pictures. Some love to swim in the sea while others love to climb mountains. And some love to design video games while others love to play.
Where in the universe can you crunch an apple, lay down on a hammock, lift weights to get fit…? It is the variety that makes your world so delicious. It is the variety that makes your world such a place that many want to visit and come play with you in this field of immense choice and variety.
And so, if you consider how many people already live on your Earth, and how many you will encounter, who in your opinion are wrong, reconsider that statement if you plan on living in a world that is based on freedom and joy, and allow everyone to choose their own joy without having to label it right or wrong.
There will be a time, when you will move from all the doing to more being. There will come a time, when the doing will be a thing of joy and preference, and no longer a thing of duty or obligation. There will come a time, when you will be glad you have let go all these right and wrong labels, good and bad definitions, because at that time, that is coming, you will find, all your definitions and labels were misplaced. And then you will open to more ways to engage with others, more ways to play, more ways to be free.
And so the next time, you are tempted to judge another in any way, based on what you prefer, or what you’ve been taught, ask yourself this simple question, from whose perspective? And allow them the same freedom of choice that you allow yourself.
The world does not revolve around money. The game you are playing, was not meant to be a game of chasing money and all the external things money can buy. The game was about you enjoying this amusement park and picking those things you enjoy doing, so that you can feel free and loved and supported in all that brings you joy. Imagine indeed, if follow your bliss was dependent on how much money you have, then very few would be able to follow that formula. But follow your joy is actually independent of the externals, it is what makes you happy in this moment and then the next and it could be as simple as taking a bath, crunching an apple, laying down on the hammock or taking a swim in the nearest sea.
When you look around you and judge everyone you see based on the status quo that was given to you, you deprive them of that freedom that is God given when they arrived here to play with you. And you then reform them into the same shape and model that you were formed into. In this scenario nothing can ever change. Therefore, allow others to play their way, to live their way, and let go all these false definitions of your world so you can finally be free and live the life of joy that is joyful to you. Your heaven is made up of all that is joyful to you. And when everyone is enjoying their heaven, now you have heaven on earth in each and every one of you.