Invoking Universal Law
for Loved Ones Suffering
Commander Ashira, May 2014
through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love:
We don’t have what you think of as suffering, but we certainly witness it and we understand it, and in our, what you would think of as emotional fields — because we Love you so much — we witness suffering on a very grand scale and we feel it, so we do understand.
Now, there are a number of ways, but the easiest way is involving the Law of Balance and the Law of Balance is including the the Balance of Above and Below or what you think of as Within and Without.
Above and Now, we are talking in the higher realms,
yes, even higher dimensions,
but also what people conceive or refer to as Heaven,
or what we would call the Heart of One,
there is no pain, there is no deterioration,
there is no ageing.
So, when you invoke, call upon Sanat Kumara, call Raj,
have him show up directly in front of you.
Let him show you his Scales of Justice, and invoke: “Balance” and invoke: “Balance in the person, the individual, the situation” you feel is suffering because you are witnessing suffering.
Then invoke: “The Law of Change”
Invoke that Law that allow situations to change and change does not need to be an elongated process.
Change can occur — and you be specific —
in the blink of an eye.
I invoke the Universal Law
of As Above So Below
& the Law of Change
for Peace & Love
on Earth right Now,
everyone remembering
our Divinity, our Joy.
The Conversation, July 20, 2023
Wildfire affects us all. Differently. This is the central message from research about the social dimensions of climate hazards.
Considerable research has calculated potential land area burned, counted the dollars spent in evacuation and recovery and proposed technical and infrastructural adaptation measures to cope with longer and more intense fire seasons.
However, less attention has been paid to how different groups of people are affected and the intangible social losses they experience.
On Maui, returning home means confronting toxic risks
A Deserted Northern City Faces Down a ‘Monster’ Wildfire
Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Center
August 24th, 2023
💙💦Peace💦 with Archangel Michael💙
of As Above So Below
& the Law of Change
for Peace & Love
on Earth right Now,
everyone remembering
our Divinity, our Joy.
💦Rain Meditation
the truth of peace💦
Pray, Send, Invoke. . .
Thank You