Matthew Ward has written the most and the most insightful on how Ascension is a matter of physics. Matthew has been engaged in designing afterlife worlds.
Either one has assimilated and holds enough light to survive in the higher vibrations or one must leave. No one sits in judgment. There is not a punishing God. We determine the matter ourselves, by our own freewill choices.
Fate after Physical Death
At physical death, individuals who hate are automatically drawn by the physics of this universe to a very low level of multi-layered Nirvana where everything is in consonance with those individuals’ vibrations. They live in those dismal conditions until they are willing to accept the love-light energy that can replace all traces of hatred, and some refuse for centuries in your concept of time. That is how destructive hatred is! (Oct. 3, 2022.)
As for consequences befalling those trusted souls who reneged…when they return to this baffling place called heaven, what happens after they enter Nirvana, the proper name of Earth’s spirit world, is far more severe than you can imagine. (November 14, 2014.)
Nirvana comprises many flexible energy layers, and in accordance with the laws of physics that govern life in this universe, souls transitioning from Earth automatically are drawn to the layer that is commensurate with their lifetime energy that was registered moment by moment in the infallible Akashic records. (November 14, 2014.)
The universal law of physics that pertains to justice is [fulfilled through] lifeprint reviews in a spirit world. Those are like life-long movies wherein the individual feels exactly what was felt by everyone whose life he or she affected, and for the aforementioned individuals, that punishment will be much, much harsher than any penalty your verdict-givers mete out. (Dec. 1, 2021.)
After a time in spirit, souls in the latter group [choosing darkness] will incarnate in a world that corresponds to their Earth lifetime energy registration and have more opportunities to ‘see the light.’ (Matthew’s Message, Aug. 13, 2010.)