In 2020, I asked Archangel Michael how I break the news to others that I work with an archangel. Here’s his reply.
Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linmda Dillon, May 13, 2020.
Steve: How do I tell my employees, convince my employees and the bank and everyone else that I work with an Archangel? (Laughing) They’re going to think me nuts!
Archangel Michael: I am not concerned about that.
Steve: No, I know you’re not because you’re living in bliss!
AAM: Well, what is to say that you are not living in bliss as well?
Steve: Well, by then I hope to be!… Because I’m gonna need it!
AAM: What you are asking is a discernment, what people can think of as a fine line. So no, you do not waltz into a bank and simply say, “I am working with an Archangel” because they will lock you up!
However, as relationships develop, as trust with certain individuals is built, when someone says to you, “where do you get these ideas from?” in a very discerning way and in a very grounded way, you simply refer to the fact that you listen to your heart and you listen to the divine and that you listen to your guides and guardians.
There is no need… I do not need the publicity and neither do you! But let us also be very clear (no, we know that you do not want to be on the front page of any news screen) but as things are shifting, as the, shall we call it, new awareness, heightened awareness, interdimensional reality – because that is truly what we are talking about – as this truly anchors, not only in the heart, but in the thought patterns, the behaviour patterns of human beings, the idea of working with an Archangel is in fact going to be commonplace.
This sense of division is going to actually quite quickly disappear. The idea of a punishing deity that you need to earn favour with, curry favour with will change into the true knowing of what has always been the case, which is partnership.
You know that we have stated, the Mother has stated, I have stated, many of us have stated that our partnership in the old school was a pleading for help. It was a desire like young, vulnerable children to be taken care of.
Now you have emerged into a different realm of existence where you work with us. Now that does not mean, let me be very clear, that we do not attend to you and that we do not take care of you.
But it is like the young adult that we do things in tandem together so that you are coming to fully realize and in that be able to implement and work with us, beside us as partners rather than children.