Well, OK, if this is the birth of a new species of human…
Into a new region of space where our lives will become interdimensional…
Ascending en masse with our physical bodies intact…
With civilizations from around the multiverse watching the experiment… (1)
As boots on the ground, what are we to do?
The simple version or the long-drawn-out version?
The simple version? In my view? Love. Begin to draw the love that flows in our hearts up out of that endless wellspring on the inbreath and send it out to the world on the outbreath. Actually do it.
What will that do?
That is the very definition of ascending. What is Ascension but a full and complete heart opening? (2) If we simply love, it’s a little like, I think, a baby bird practising to fly for the first time. The Mother helps it.
That will have us experience our own love, providing us with an endless source of what everyone in life is seeking. And that love that we discover will only deepen and deepen.
That will have us see whom it makes sense to seek love from and whom it does not. (From others? Not so much. From our own heart? Definitely.) Now we’re self-generating and self-sufficient.
When it does, it’ll transform our lives just in the course of life itself. Every moment will be transformative. Emerson described it:
“No man ever forgot the visitations of that power to his heart and brain, which created all things new; which was the dawn in him of music, poetry, and art.” (3)
“Which created all things new.” “The dawn in him of….” He’s describing transformative love and an opened heart.
After that opening, we can feel the love rising from our hearts and flowing out to the world. Now we’re ready to pursue our unique avenue of lightwork. (4)
Married to our lightwork, I predict that our love will inspire all we meet. Lightwork without it? Not very much power to it, I find.
I predict that how we and all others are seen throughout the galaxies will ride on the depth, quality, and purity of that love.
That for me is the simple answer.
(1) See “I’m Dazzled and Amazed,”
(2) When the energy moves farther and permanently and fully opens the heart, the arahant becomes a buddha; the Brahmajnani becomes a jivan-mukta (liberated while alive). Not the heart chakra, but the heart. The hridayam or heart aperture opens as it did in the earlier heart opening but now remains open.
The resulting torrent of love incinerates the vasanas or core issues. In the earlier heart opening, which I imagine is not as strong as Sahaja, the vasanas were held at bay for the length of the experience. But they were not eliminated. Now they are.
This latter state completes our Ascension experience.
(3) Ralph Waldo Emerson, Essays. First Series. London: Routledge and Sons, 1898; c1841, 166.
(4) Ramakrishna used to ask us to smear our bodies with turmeric and then swim, unfraid of sharks. In my view, a heart opening and the love that then flows is the turmeric.