The referenced article is a good read, linked below. Writing an intro for it to post on my Buy Me a Coffee page turned into kind of a righteous rant…
Of course, if you’re as bone tired as I am of hearing about how poorly Humans have treated one another, most likely at the behest (ultimately) of negative aliens, who themselves are basically driven by evil AI, maybe skip it. Or save it for a time when you’re feeling balanced and in the knowing that we’re all just fine, and are simply experiencing the utter and final destruction of those who want our planet for themselves, mostly without us on it. They don’t want to give up the dream. Too freaking bad.
If our manifesting abilities are purely exercised by “getting into the feeling of it being already done, ours, finished,” etc… I’m going with the notion that it’s mostly true at the moment, and that we really don’t have long to wait.
I’m so done with the kicking of the proverbial can down a too-well-worn road, though. Will we be surprised when something we were told will happen in September, instead comes in August? I like surprises.
Anyway…we’re all traumatized is the bottom line. I don’t care if you’re a tough, seen-it-all walk-in or just a tender and battle-weary Starseed here to shake things up…we are in collective shock. The things being revealed now…deep breath…it’s so much worse than certainly I ever even imagined. And who wants to contemplate any of it? Nobody does. I’d rather forget the whole thing and move on already, but that time hasn’t arrived yet.
AND…I’m a little cranky at people who say that all of that is now available to us depending on where we place our attention. My attention is on keeping my shit together in the face of all my responsibilities to other life forms. I really get what the true purpose of marriage is, because one person holding the weight of survival is really a lot, and I’m tired of it. A return to community seems a lovely solution. It takes a village to raise a child…and to nurture and support the adults who care for them as well.
We’ve really gotten away from that, in my experience. My life has been primarily an independent one, and we weren’t actually ever meant to be so fiercely focused on not needing anyone. Of course we need one another! We’re hardwired that way by Divine Design, and the bad guys know it. Consequently, they’ve done their best to encourage separation from others in myriad ways in order to weaken us and weaken our societies, rendering us into a more easily controlled and directed population.
Just NO.
So where does our release/relief come from? Look at all the ways that we’re anticipating financial support to enter the picture for Humanity: NESARA/GESARA, Prosperity Packages, Return of Strawman Accounts, speculative investments in foreign currency and precious metals.
Experiencing true prosperity may bring in other kinds of challenges, but who isn’t ready for that shift?
The questions around the potential unfolding are multiple:
- What comes first? Biden out, military in control, Trump returns, good financial reset happens, Solar Flash…
- Are the bad guys really all processed already? Have they just kept pumping out replacements to continue their dirty work?
- What has to happen before the unimpeachable Quantum Systems (including Financial) are publicly known about and being used by all?
- And really, for those who are ready to pop right up into Five Plus, what business of ours will any of that be? Does it not become moot for us, how things of a geopolitical nature go? That thought meanders into one that says we get to experience actual peace, safety, perfect health and harmony on Earth for at least a little while before the release of the Solar Flash.
Who can be knowing…but I’m going with “The Best is Yet to Come!”
Make it so. Like Now would be good.
Link to the article in question ~