by Lee Carroll, July 16, 2023, via email
The Way Manifested Energy Is Created
Dear Human, I’m going to give you a postulate ~ a spiritual, physical rule ~ one we’ve given before, but one you can never hear enough.
It’s about the creation of energy: Lightworker, every single time fear starts to well up within you, and you successfully void it due to the wisdom and knowledge you carry…you have just won a battle.
More than that, within the process of voiding this fear, you’ve created a third energy.
Seemingly out of nothingness, you’ve created what we call a third energy.
It’s a “third” energy, for it responds to two others.
The others are ~
- The energy of your consciousness [Human Energy];
- The challenge before you [energy of the situation]. When you’re able to use the (1) to void or change the (2), counterintuitive to what you might expect;
- A “manifested new energy” occurs.
This is placed at the top of this situational pyramid [interdimensionally].
Call it the “challenge triad.”
Although the newly created energy is at the top, it is called the “anchoring” energy.
From Kryon Book Ten: A New Dispensation by Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel (via